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Questions tagged [autoit]

AutoIt is a freeware automation tool for emulating keystrokes, mouse clicks and other Windows GUI interactions.

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FIle Upload in WebdriverIO with AutoIT

I am trying to upload a file in a file upload filed in WebdriverIO with AutoIT. I am unable to execute the .exe file which will select the file from File Explorer in Windows. Can anyone tell me what ...
Md.Maruf Rahman's user avatar
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RobotFramework AutoItLibrary.Run test case passing, but no window shown

I have Python 3.7.0, Robot Framework 3.2.2, and AutoItLibrary 1.2.7 installed. I have the following test case to simply run an app I have developed in .NET: *** Settings *** Library ...
Al2110's user avatar
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1 answer

Can't import AutoItLibrary in RIDE/Robot Framework

I have Python 3.7.0, Robot Framework 3.2.2 and RIDE installed on Windows 10. I want to use the AutoItLibrary with RobotFramework. I have installed it as follows: pip install robotframework-...
Al2110's user avatar
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1 answer

Clicking Windows Calculator buttons with AutoItLibrary for Robot Framework and RIDE

Description of problem and goals I have Robot Framework, RIDE and AutoItLibrary installed. For a simple test case, I want to open an instance of Windows Calculator, click the "7" button, ...
Al2110's user avatar
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Importing test library 'AutoIt' failed: ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'AutoIt' Error

I am trying to file upload in modal form using robot/eclipse but its not working. I added autoit library to red.xml. Giving below error . Below is my code for file upload Click Element xpath=//*[@...
ADS KUL's user avatar
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Need help with AutoIT script created to handle browser authentication pop up

I have written below AutoIT script to handle the browser auth window as below. I have parameterized script to get the uname & pwd from command line. With this parameterized script during ...
rashmi somwanshi's user avatar
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2 answers

How to do test automation of desktop applications using autoIT

We had a task of installing custom addin to Outlook and verifying that the addin was installed correctly. The function of addin is to send the mail automatically to higher authority when someone ...
PDHide's user avatar
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2 answers

Unable to upload file even using autoit as my IE browser taking long to open upload windows popup

Unable to upload file even using autoit as my IE browser taking long to open upload popup once we click on the browse button but my script runs when i execute manually. Also my objective is, i need ...
Ravi789's user avatar
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Handle windows authentication pop up on Chrome using AutoIT

I am trying to handle the basic authentication pop up for my Selenium webdriver scripts using AutoIt in Chrome. I am using following AutoIt script: If WinExists("","Chrome Legacy Window&...
user avatar
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Selenium - Unknown error - element input

I have make 3 function for blank data,invaliddata and validdata. I have user autoit for the upload the the file from the window. At the debug time script is run properly but at the run time it ...
Rutvi Soni's user avatar
3 votes
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Uploading a file to a web site: how to handle Windows dialog to choose a file

Just reviewed questions that may already have the answer, but failed to find anything relevant. So the site I am testing has a file upload dialog. When you click Select File -> Browse, a Windows File ...
Racoon's user avatar
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What is Component Object Model(COM) and Java-com Bridge(JACOB)

Just to give you a context on why I am asking this question. Actually I wanted to integrate AutoIT in my selenium test script. My search led me to autoitx4java. When I was going through the ...
Alok's user avatar
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How to make AutoIt script identify browse window when run in remote machine with Selenium grid?

In a remote machine where Selenium Grid is configured - I integrated an AutoIT script with Selenium script to upload a file, but the browser window is not being identified by AutoIT. However, the same ...
S K's user avatar
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How do we run desktop automation using AutoIT in a virtual machine or a headless machine

How do we run desktop automation with freeware tools (like AutoIT, Sikuli) in a virtual machine or a headless machine.
Yash Shrivastava's user avatar
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2 answers

How to Detect if Autoit script is failed or not in selenium (java)

I need to detect if current running autoit script is failed or not. I tried to wait for 1 min in the following code, if in this time 1st Autoit script doesn't complete then it will move on to 2nd ...
Sandeep's user avatar
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3 answers

How to implement a lock in Selenium with Java?

I want the Script to Openfile.exe only if the previous one i.e CreateNew.exe has finished executing. Right Now whats happening is, when I run TestNG.xml file it runs all the @Test priority wise and ...
Sandeep's user avatar
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2 answers

How to pause your script in Selenium untill your AutoIt script is completed?

I want Selenium to wait until and unless an AutoIt script is completed. Right now whats happening is when I run the TestNG.xml file it runs all the @Test Priority wise and within 5 sec the TestNg ...
Sandeep's user avatar
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4 answers

How to take the screenshot of a window based GUI application?

I am automating tests of a GUI application similar to calculator. I am using Java and AutoIt for implementing the test cases. I need to take screenshot on failure. I have tried taking screenshot ...
Ajmal's user avatar
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Upload file in Selenium using AutoIt? [duplicate]

I'm trying to upload a file using Selenium on Windows 7 using AutoIt following this tutorial The web page I'm using is this one ...
Cesare's user avatar
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Automated Testing Involving Internet Explorer_Server Controls

I've been tasked with developing a method to functional test and load test an application we're implementing in our environment. The vendor created a shell which uses Internet Explorer_Server ...
Colyn1337's user avatar
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