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2 answers

Loose coupling for utility/helper classes

What solutions do you use to avoid tight coupling between classes when using utility classes like waithelpers, data formatting, selenium utils etc? I am using these classes having static methods, ...
Thea's user avatar
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0 answers

How to resolve Null error displayed for shadowRoot element?

I have written this code in which I am able to get the shadow element: package org.example; import org.openqa.selenium.JavascriptExecutor; import org.openqa.selenium.WebDriver; import org.openqa....
Gippy C.'s user avatar
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1 answer

Maven Standard Directory Layout for UI Test Automation project on Java: what modules should be considered as main, and what as test?

Usually UI test automation framework is a separate code base, different from developers repository. It is common to use Maven or Gradle as a build tool in test automation frameworks written on Java. ...
VladislavShcherba's user avatar
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1 answer

Best way to automate File contents verification using Selenium/Java?

In my application, there are lot of files that contain financial data and those are sent to different parties. So, I have to automate verification of content of all these files. Now, each file has a ...
tester234's user avatar
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How to run multiple Feature files parallelly in Cucumber with TestNG Runner?

I am facing one issue: I need to run 5 feature files that are totally independent of each other, Each feature files logs into a different site. I want 5 different ChromeDriver Browser sessions to open ...
kunaltester2304's user avatar
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Regarding Google Playstore Automation

I have this project where I have to automate the Play Store using Java and Appium. Problem: The problem I am facing is, that it seems like the buttons in the Play Store are changing their id's ...
Python Samurai's user avatar
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2 answers

How to use java classes of one Selenium project into Another project in Eclipse?

I have around 10 Selenium/Java projects in Eclipse IDE and there is "utils" package and Automation framework classes that i manually copied to all projects and all those have different ...
qa235's user avatar
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1 answer

Get code from email - java

I have an automation flow where there is a need retrieve a code from an email and input it into as a verification code. As its a demo I could use any temp email and grab it but I am wondering now what ...
Keith's user avatar
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2 answers

How to handle this Particular date picker scenario where i want to traverse back in selenium

In this code i want to navigate to the year 2022 and select July and print that result in the console but the issue is that in the else if condition when checking when this particular condition is ...
Krishna Sriram's user avatar
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0 answers

How to connect to a Anti-Detect browser (Incogniton) using selenium java

I want to connect to a browser session of this specific anti-detect browser called Incogniton. It does support Selenium browser automation, but it only supports Python. I don't know anything about ...
likenzy's user avatar
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1 answer

Appium version issue

I am confused to see what Appium version is installed on my machine. If I look into Appium UI it shows Appium v1.22.3 but When I check from cmd it shows 2.0.0-beta.71. how do I know which one is ...
Jahanzaib.Khan's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

Selenium latest version is not able to launch FireFox browser in Ubuntu 20.04

I'm trying to automate web tests with Selenium and Java in Ubuntu OS. Earlier versions of Selenium used to work very well with older version of Firefox in Ubuntu. Since I upgraded to Selenium 4+ (...
RonyPatricks's user avatar
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2 answers

how to automate a date picker that not in a table tag

I want to automate that starting date and end date but in DOM I can't find a Table tag for date picker so I don't know how to locate the field. The tag is <input class="inputvd" type=&...
Anish subramanian's user avatar
-1 votes
1 answer

How to validate invalid date error message in Selenium Java project?

I have a "Date" field on my page I want to automate. Now, when I enter invalid value or invalid format, then its displays an error like: "This is invalid value for "Date" ...
qatester249's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

How to validate if .txt file format is correct as a part of File processing in Automation framework?

In my Selenium+Java automation framework, I need to open a .txt file or any other extension file and then see if the text is in a particular format. Now, I need to see if all lines are in this format ...
test0023's user avatar
-1 votes
1 answer

Is it mandatory to return a PageObject instance in every Page Object save/submit method?

In the Page Object model, we separate page UI elements and Test methods. However, there is a concept of Page chaining, in which we return an object on the next Page Object in the previous page object ...
abhi235's user avatar
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4 answers

Selenium email automation

I'm trying to automate tests using Selenium and a Yahoo email address. The problem is when I run my test in Azure DevOps I face the CAPTCHA privacy terms. Any ideas on how to fix this problem?
Ghofrane Chakroun's user avatar
-1 votes
1 answer

Verify that 4 products are shown with € symbol

I want to verify from this website: There are 4 products shown with the Euro symbol by using for loop. Code: List <WebElement> productcurrency = driver....
Esraa Emad's user avatar
1 vote
3 answers

Selenium Test cases for UI look

I have a test case, where I need to verify: a user selects any of the options. the text is not going out of the layout and displays complete readability to the user. As a result, the UI look and ...
Ghofrane Chakroun's user avatar
7 votes
1 answer

Selenium + Java: How to get the OS, and Browser details on run time?

What I want to do is, while I'm running my tests, I want to get the current, Operating System Browser Name Browser Version This is for making the details clear in the test/bug report. I haven't ...
RonyPatricks's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

Not able to match ChromeDriver version with chrome version

So at my current job I’m at a pinch, we can’t just download executable jars and use them. We have to request to download whatever we want . So the problem is , our chrome gets auto updated where as we ...
Samian's user avatar
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1 answer

Selenium Webdriver : Trying to get text, but specific class present

Kindly find attached the html code of the section in question I use the following code and managed to get the text for Status successMessage = driver.findElement(By.xpath("//span[@class='status-...
Tester_at_work's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Cannot invoke "org.openqa.selenium.SearchContext.findElement(org.openqa.selenium.By)" because "this.searchContext" is null error

I am trying to verify a functionality as a guest user and logged in user. In order to do that I log out form the system and verify the guest user actions then login again and verify logged in user ...
Darshani Kaushalya's user avatar
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1 answer

Element is not clicked even after explicit wait

I am trying to verify default selected value of a dropdown. <div class="p-3 p-md-4 mt-4 mt-md-4 card"><div class="row"><div class="d-flex align-items-center col-...
Darshani Kaushalya's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Verifying scrollbar is present script fails

I'm trying to check whether a scrollbar is present when there are more than 2 elements in a pop up. Here is the HTML code for the div which enables the scroll bar if when there are more than 2 ...
Darshani Kaushalya's user avatar
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2 answers

Button click was not performed even though element was found

I'm trying to click below button. <button class="MuiButtonBase-root MuiButton-root jss47 jss58 MuiButton-contained jss48 jss59 MuiButton-containedPrimary MuiButton-disableElevation" ...
Darshani Kaushalya's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

Getting value from data-value (webdriver selenium / java)

I have the following HTML code <div class="mbsc-sc-whl-c" style="height:40px;margin-top:-21px;"> <div class="mbsc-sc-whl-sc" style="top: 0px; transform: ...
Tester_at_work's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Return always false as using isSelected() in Selenium Webdriver java

I'm trying to use isSelected() method on Amazon website. I'm trying to tick the check-box of item filter and then read the status of check-box by isSelected() but it always returns false message. ...
Bajrangi_Tj's user avatar
0 votes
2 answers

How to test a huge list of domains redirect to HTTPS?

I have got a huge list of domains/URLs (about a 1000). The task is to test if each one of them, if accessed with then it redirects to All the domains that do not ...
IAmMilinPatel's user avatar
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1 answer

How do i get rid of duplicated local variables

I have a multiple drop-downs and need to automate them. I added the code below, how do I add them in one step? or make it easier or how do I add them in one function? I'm using eclipse and TestNG ...
user52764's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

Selenium + Java: Unable to close Advertisement in webpage

Issue I am facing: After this step: driver.findElement(By.linkText("New Customer")).click(); an advertisement window opens and script stops here. I'm unable to close the advertisement and ...
chinmay k's user avatar
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2 answers

How to execute multiple selenium java test-scripts with different parameter at one time?

Is there any solutions for executing multiple selenium webdriver java test-scripts having different parameters at one time and get results. If parameter is URLs, then we can test multiple Urls on one ...
user avatar
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Type mismatch: cannot convert from WebElement to WebDriver?

Type mismatch: cannot convert from WebElement to WebDriver Getting this error in my code why? package testcases; import java.util.List; import org.openqa.selenium.By; import org.openqa.selenium....
Nandy's user avatar
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1 answer

Can we Drag and Drop multiple desktop images at the same time to web page using selenium - Java through script ingestion

I found the below article for image upload using script ingestion. But this script is working for a single file at a time but I want to drag and drop multiple files at the same time. My client doesn't ...
praveen kumar's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

Unable to capture the element using xpath

I'm trying to capture the dynamic code using xpath(Selenium+Java). I want to get that code and store it in a variable, but it always returns no such element exception. My xpath looks like below when ...
Rush910's user avatar
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1 answer

Is there a free API for spell and grammar check?

I'm a QA automation engineer looking for a free API or a website for grammar and spell check to automate checks for those errors in web app using Selenium and Java.
Asmoun's user avatar
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5 answers

Should automation scripts made in Selenium always contain wait calls?

Should the automation scripts made in Selenium always contain wait calls like implicit, explicit and fluent, or could it be that waits are not needed?
punk code's user avatar
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How to send POST api request with the extracted details from an element using selenium+java

Use case is as below. There is a modal in a website and it contains User ID, Name and email. I want to capture those details using selenium+java and send a POST api request with the above extracted ...
Rush910's user avatar
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How to run java+selenium method continuously?

There is a functionality like in sometimes one of modal pops up and there is a button on it. If the modal pops up user needs to click on that button. This is a continuous process and I need to ...
Rush910's user avatar
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2 answers

I wrote automation code to click on a date from a data picker but its not working

Website : I am trying to automate selecting date of journey on the website above. Nothing I have tried is working. Screenshot of the date selector Code I am using ...
Nijesh Manuel's user avatar
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Cucumber - Accessing injected context in After scenario hook

I'm attempting to refactor a test automation framework I have inherited (Java, Selenide, Cucumber) from one that uses static global state for test data, to context injected test data using ...
gerdyw's user avatar
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Is Cucumber Scenario equivalent to a Java Class?

@Add User Scenario: Add a new User profile in the System Given user is on the Add User profile page Then Add a new user profile in the system Then verify that user has been added successfully Now, ...
user50752's user avatar
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Why dont we use the main() method in TestNG class?

public class Tests{ @Test public void run(){ sop("this is test method 1"); } } How will Jvm know about entry point of the program? 🤔
Tester68's user avatar
2 votes
4 answers

How to open outlook and click on the link that is there in the mail using Selenium

In my application I need to send a confirmation after which an mail will arrive to my Outlook which I need to open and click on the link which is sent in the mail. Can someone please let me know if ...
user50414's user avatar
1 vote
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how to add "\n" to the method

I have the below method: PUBLIC methodname(WebDriver driver,formEntryMap<String,String>,String Colkey) { String Xpath = This will have the xpath of the input text box inputfieldEntry(driver,...
user49933's user avatar
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How to perform mouse hover in selenium java using page object model approach?

I have automated some test cases mentioned at For second test case mentioned at given link, I have written code for mouse ...
Atif Iqbal's user avatar
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I want to scroll to a specific location Selenium Java

I have a list of webelements, I have written the below code: List <WebElement> feature_tiles = driver.findElements(By.xpath("//div[contains(@class,'featuretile')]//a")); System....
KarlS's user avatar
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AllureRestAssured , how to ignore logging headers

I am using rest-assured and allureRestAssured for testing api given().header("Content-Type", "application/json") .header("key", key()).filter(new ...
Cod's user avatar
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Waiting for two events in Selenide

I have code, written on Selenium which waits for the first or for the second event. But all testing framework uses Selenide. The question is how to rewrite such code on Selenide, to avoid unxpectable ...
Wit's user avatar
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NullPointerException-webdriver null

I put a screenshot with getDriverInstance. After run. When I run the test, I get this error. At debug it tells me, that the WebDriver is null. Can anyone help me with a solution how to fix the ...
Sebastian's user avatar

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