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Maven Standard Directory Layout for UI Test Automation project on Java: what modules should be considered as main, and what as test?

Usually UI test automation framework is a separate code base, different from developers repository. It is common to use Maven or Gradle as a build tool in test automation frameworks written on Java. ...
VladislavShcherba's user avatar
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2 answers

How to use java classes of one Selenium project into Another project in Eclipse?

I have around 10 Selenium/Java projects in Eclipse IDE and there is "utils" package and Automation framework classes that i manually copied to all projects and all those have different ...
qa235's user avatar
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2 answers

Cypress.js : How to change default path for your e2e tests?

in v13.3.0, after you install Cypress.js into your repo, it creates these four default directories: /cypress/e2e /cypress/fixtures /cypress/support /cypress/downloads the first one is where it ...
secretAgent's user avatar
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Seeking Suggestions for Automating a Smart TV App in a CI/CD Pipeline with Broad Device Coverage

We have a client who wishes to automate their Smart TV app within a CI/CD pipeline and aims to cover as many devices as possible. Currently, I am the sole QA on this project and am exploring setup ...
Kate Velasquez's user avatar
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How to resolve "Error: TypeScript compilation failed." issue in Gitlab CI?

I'm trying to learn to create a pipeline in Gitlab. All my tests fail because of the compilation issue. My code is included below along with the error message. import loginPage from "../...
Syrus's user avatar
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Test automation and test data generation for chatbots how to implement?

Details: Our customer wants complete test automation including test data generation for a chatbot. The test data will probably be provided to us via RestApi. Since we have not completed this area yet, ...
Mornon's user avatar
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-1 votes
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How to connect with Mysql db using Cypress 12?

I want to connect to Mysql DB in the server to delete several records. I have tried using some of the tutorials and answers available. Since all of them are regarding older versions of Cypress, I can'...
Syrus's user avatar
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1 answer

How to validate if .txt file format is correct as a part of File processing in Automation framework?

In my Selenium+Java automation framework, I need to open a .txt file or any other extension file and then see if the text is in a particular format. Now, I need to see if all lines are in this format ...
test0023's user avatar
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How do I effectively measure the level of impact of test automation within a Safe Scrum environment?

Details: Currently we are within a Safe Scrum environment and have already automated much of manual testing. However, we would like to measure the effectiveness and coverage of test automation across ...
Mornon's user avatar
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What is the general structure of an automation framework built in Selenium Java Cucumber BDD?

I am a complete newbie in Selenium and test automation. What is a general structure of Java Automation Test, using a Behavior-Driven Development (BDD) framework in Cucumber. Additionally, could you ...
tester232's user avatar
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Is it a good approach to use a core automation framework(jar file) as opposed to creating all classes of framework yourself?

Some teams in an organization use existing core automation frameworks(made in Java). In my case, I converted it to a jar file artifact and then used it in their Selenium project as a local library/...
mahesh234's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

Is there any way to import postman collection into playwright?

Details: We have several thousand APIs in various postman collection. Our customer wants to have them customized accordingly, towards E-2-E testing. The customer would like to use Playwright for ...
Mornon's user avatar
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Want to identify most accurate and effective approach to raise only actual defects automatically in JIRA on test execution failure

Currently the requirement we have is to create defects automatically in JIRA when a test automation script fails. However we are looking for approaches to avoid raising defects if it's an Environment ...
SRM21's user avatar
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How to approach test automation of Graphs and Charts? i.e., elements made of <CANVAS> <SVG> tags

In my project, we have a module called Reporting which covers graphs and charts. It's basically a dashboard on the homepage of the website with multiple graphs and charts (after inspecting them they ...
Ramkrishna Bhandare's user avatar
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3 answers

How to create an HTML test report in Selenium automation framework?

In my selenium java, Cucumber framework, i use an excel spreadsheet test results report. Now, there is a requirement to make a HTML report after every run of the test. How can i code an HTML report. ...
aiguy33's user avatar
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2 answers

Should most of the Regression testing items be automated?

I work on a very complex financial product. We have very few Regression items/test cases automated. Like 20% is automated. Now, should I automate more and reach till 70-80 % coverage. Is it necessary ...
automation78's user avatar
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Are there any browser automation tools that support video and audio recording?

I'm searching for a browser automation tool that can record video and audio. Selenium, Cypress, and Playwright do not support audio recording. Puppeteer maybe with puppeteer-stream but I'm not sure ...
Lynob's user avatar
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Testing Coverage Metrics for BDD automation Testing

My manager would like me to have a way to measure the overall amount of testing coverage that is done in a sprint. I used to use an excel spreadsheet in the past but he doesn't want to do that. I ...
fypnlp's user avatar
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How to verify the Json response field data type in rest assured test

How can we verify the Json data type of mentioned fields such as "price", "ck", "name", "enabled" and "tags" in rest assured test. { "odd":...
swapnil shirke's user avatar
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How can I format the current date and time and then use them in a variable in GoTest?

I use the keyword... get date But I have a date with the format like this Sun May 11,2014 9:60 p.m. I need to convert it in to this format 2014. I tried to put this
michel.belanger's user avatar
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How to set cypress to automatically detect proxy for automated executions?

I have a cypress test and its not loading the website properly. When I manually open the website using chrome, the website is working ok. Also I can find that my chrome proxy setting is set as "...
Sandeep Chandra Sekhar's user avatar
8 votes
8 answers

Are there specific coding guidelines for test automation?

Details Currently we are trying to find more ways to write better code. Of course, this does not exclude our automated test cases. We are already testing in the dev environment with SonarCube and ...
Mornon's user avatar
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can we test GUI and a network protocol (SNMP) using selenium?

I have to test a website using Selenium. This website is a graphical user interface for controlling a device and to shows data from that device. This device is using SNMP which is used to give an ...
anas's user avatar
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Not able to see web element when I navigate to page using Automation

I have a web page which displays a new contact creation button. When I try to navigate to a page through automation, I can not see that button. When I login to site manually and navigate to same page, ...
SSPatil's user avatar
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One Tests or Multiple Separate Test Automation BDD

How the system works (UI) Registration Form > Redirect to Another Page with Products (based on the submitted in the registration form) (backend) API will check the validity > Valid or not it ...
wizaiz's user avatar
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Test automation within a waterfall project. What to consider?

Details: In my new project I am to set up an automation, waterfall based project for a client. Since I have completed test automation exclusively within Agile projects so far, and in Waterfall rather ...
Mornon's user avatar
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5 answers

Test Strategy Documentation for test automation

What are the main points that should be included in a test strategy test automation document for a particular project? I'm not looking at details but more of a high level overview. I've found that ...
Mornon's user avatar
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How to execute multiple selenium java test-scripts with different parameter at one time?

Is there any solutions for executing multiple selenium webdriver java test-scripts having different parameters at one time and get results. If parameter is URLs, then we can test multiple Urls on one ...
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How to validate nested array from JSON response using Postman?

I am trying to validate GET method API response JSON using Postman. I have tried some of online suggestion but nothing worked for me. In my testcase i am validating that List tag is showing or not. ...
Kaushal Patel's user avatar
1 vote
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Is there a free API for spell and grammar check?

I'm a QA automation engineer looking for a free API or a website for grammar and spell check to automate checks for those errors in web app using Selenium and Java.
Asmoun's user avatar
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6 answers

Is it necessary to have a very complex Automation framework?

I have seen many QA teams in many organization creating very complex and huge test automation frameworks and use concepts like Java reflections, use a lot utility classes, use many many dependencies/...
Nitin74's user avatar
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-2 votes
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Device Farm Vendors I have a meeting with them I need some questions [closed]

Firstly thank you for helping me with the previous question regarding device farm vendors. I have a meeting with AWS next week and I'm stuck in regards to what questions I need to ask them. I know I ...
fypnlp's user avatar
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Device Farms that allow React-Native with Detox and Jest

I hope someone can help with this as I'm honestly stuck. We have an application written in react-native and we are on the hunt for a device farm that is compatible with the tests we have written (...
fypnlp's user avatar
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Is there an integration solution to integrate OWASP ZAP and Testlink with each other?

Starting point: We are currently using OWASP Zap for our security test within a CI/CD pipeline based on Docker. At the same time, we have Python based test cases that we execute within an API based ...
Mornon's user avatar
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How to access dependencies from test class

I'm wondering what some other options are for accessing the test automation framework dependencies from my test classes. Right now I have a layered architecture: Framework layer (contains all shared ...
st0ve's user avatar
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What is the best way/tool to share automated tests with non-technical stakeholders?

I've been tasked with finding a tool/solution to present our automated python test cases to other stakeholders in the business (I won't write actual python for time-saving purposes). Our tests are ...
Jack Robson's user avatar
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Should a newbie in Test Automation learn the core underlying framework?

I am a complete beginner in Test Automation. I am trying to learn Selenium Webdriver with Java, TestNG, Cucumber(BDD) framework, Build tools like Maven. Now, the problem is that there is an existing ...
jeff86's user avatar
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4 answers

Playwright: Implementing Page Object Patter into Framework

Recently I have been asking questions regarding Playwright and so far the community has been very helpful. I hope that my question and answers provided will be in use for people who are just starting ...
Automation_Padawan's user avatar
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Which test automation factor is effective? [closed]

Details: We had a discussion on this very topic in our team today, some brought in a factor of 30% which I also know, but I am of the opinion that a much higher automation factor should always be ...
Mornon's user avatar
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How to verify the presence of a script on multiple web pages?

I have a set of web pages where I need to verify that a certain script is present. A have a lot of pages to verify so I would like to automate this part of testing. How can a create a sequence with ...
Seeker001's user avatar
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How to automate look-and-feel testing in a complex web application?

My company's web application has dozens of distinct pages that a user might hit. There are site-wide stylesheets, so changing one of them could affect every single page. There are four or five ...
Joshua Frank's user avatar
4 votes
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Shall I put my e2e tests and performance test frameworks on the same repository?

I am using Cypress for my e2e tests and k6 for my performance tests. They are both in Javascript and access the same config json files (I use this for my environment variables). The folder structure ...
ebanster's user avatar
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Python + Selenium: Using and managing old web drivers

Details Based on a browser matrix I have to test several browsers, also older ones. Example: You surely know ...
Mornon's user avatar
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Cucumber + Junit + Extend Test Steps (use IDs in next step)

Details: We currently use Mockito/ Wiremock (in different teams), Junit and Cucumber in our test procedure. And test cases are functional, but we want to extend them with regard to post procedures. ...
Mornon's user avatar
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3 votes
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Testing Rabbit MQ with OWASP ZAP

We currently use Test OWASP Zap. Integrated accordingly in a Jenkins pipeline, which performs a weekly vulnerability test. We have now integrated RabbitMQ in our project, and here we don't know how we ...
Mornon's user avatar
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Flutter driver Test Explorer

is there a way to get some kind of Flutter Test Explorer into the IntelliJ IDE? I am thinking of something like JUnit has in Visual Studio. Let's say that it should be something like this. My tests ...
Apuna12's user avatar
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Serenity BDD and RabbitMQ use together

Details Currently we are in the process of integrating RabbitMQ into our stages. I sell here accordingly a test plan through. Currently we use the test framework Serenity and here also for the Api ...
Mornon's user avatar
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Hardening of test cases in test automation

Details: In a discussion about maintainability of automatic test cases in the area Cucumber + Junit / Unitest the topic "hardening of test cases" came up. You know this topic from your ...
Mornon's user avatar
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Selenium Extent Reporting Problem

I cannot figure out the problem. After the picture, another problem is here. htmlReporter.config() is not working and I'm not able to fix it. This is my dependency: <dependency> <groupId>...
Sm B's user avatar
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Is it possible to test Desktop Applications using Protractor directly or via a third party tool?

I have an application built over angular (new version) and WinForms (legacy) which needs to be automated for testing. I had identified selenium (WinAppDriver + NgWebDriver) as the possible tool for ...
Bugger's user avatar
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