Questions tagged [browser-automation]

Questions regarding automation of web applications for testing purposes according to specific of used web browser.

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Unable to select element from hidden bootstrap dropdown in Selenium (Python)

In my project I have to select an item from the hidden bootstrap drop-down, however, I'm unable to select it. I have tried multiple ways but so far nothing works. I searched on YouTube and it was ...
Ujjwal kumar singh's user avatar
-1 votes
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Click on a div that have the same class name than other divs with Selenium Python

greetings! I'm new with Selenium. I would like to make click in a div which has the same class name than other divs. The class name is: answer wHGy3xn8heDaX4AOwXEmk _10bHElnyU5MzSMU2VKM4sp . I tried ...
Gustavo's user avatar
-1 votes
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Breadcrumb Element not visible when site opened through Automation

I have to check the breadcrumb element (Dashboard) on a webpage. When opened manually, the Dashboard element appears with icons and is operational, but when run through Java Selenium Eclipse Script, ...
Thara B C's user avatar
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Playwright Not Automated

I am trying to automate a task with playwright and realized that the task won't automate unless my mouse is over the open browser. Is this normal or is there some sort of paradigm I'm following? The ...
Nill2000's user avatar
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Could not able to click the link from the container

enter image description here hi all thanks for reading my question. I tried to automate some of my work. I tried to get the path of Add button using xpath finder I found three links below. I tried to ...
vivek rajagopalan's user avatar
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How to by pass authentication(microsoft authenticator) while login into the website through selenium script

After passing login id and password, user must add code from mobile app - microsoft authenticator. I want to bypass this code pop-up as I'm generating regression suite and it's not feasible to add ...
Helly's user avatar
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Trying to find span element by class and text with Selenium Java

<span class="icon-holder"> <i class="c-brown-500 ti-package"></i> </span> <span class="title">Vehicle Import</...
Robi's user avatar
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How to automate clicking in modal?

Inside a modal I need to click text "Show hidden fields" so additional fields are available scroll down find field "Billable hours" and update text to 0h then scroll down and ...
Radek's user avatar
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How to find an unnamed button belonging to a certain h2 entry XPath

(I am a bit of a StackOverflow newbie, so please forgive any beginner mistakes and let me know what to improve in the future) I am trying to select the highlighted button in the appended picture. ...
Adrian Leonhard's user avatar
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Unable to fetch text values present within strong tag using xpath

While trying to print values present within the strong tag using XPath, I'm getting the following exception: org.openqa.selenium.NoSuchElementException: Unable to locate element: strong This is my ...
nayansFosgit's user avatar
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How to handle the google adds Window which display over the page

Add Pop Up coming when run the test suite and other operations where failed I tried to click directly on close button with x-path but it not work
Sushrut Parab's user avatar
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element.text (similar to getText() from java) is not working and continuously returning empty string as value using python & selenium

Problem : element.text is not working and continuously returning empty even when I can see a real value Solutions I have tried : Tried finding element using different locator strategy: like xpath, ...
Narendra Chandratre's user avatar
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Convert Python or C# selenium test file to .side file?

I am trying to build additional functionality into Selenium IDE and would like the ability to import and run tests created outside of Selenium IDE using the browser extension. Is there any sort of ...
Benny's user avatar
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Are there any browser automation tools that support video and audio recording?

I'm searching for a browser automation tool that can record video and audio. Selenium, Cypress, and Playwright do not support audio recording. Puppeteer maybe with puppeteer-stream but I'm not sure ...
Lynob's user avatar
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Automating test for VoIP webapp?

Our Web App is a call center app. One of the key functions of our Web App is to make VoIP call and then do post call processings. But we can't find a tool/way to do automate testing, which involves ...
Qiulang 邱朗's user avatar
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How to select date from PickerWheel on browser UI similar to iOS style using Selenium Java

I am trying to select start and end dates from PickerWheel on the browser. But click and select methods are not working. Because to select date we need to move like in iOS devices date picker wheel. I ...
Mukha's user avatar
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Not able to see web element when I navigate to page using Automation

I have a web page which displays a new contact creation button. When I try to navigate to a page through automation, I can not see that button. When I login to site manually and navigate to same page, ...
SSPatil's user avatar
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Cypress - Identify when page is fully loaded

I am new to Cypress, but wanted to capture the time from visiting a page, up until the page is fully rendered and available to use. I understand I can use the Window: load event to identify when the ...
Mike's user avatar
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Testing Stripe payment integration using Cypress

We've recently implemented Stripe for customers to checkout. However, using Cypress to automate our regression tests was incredibly painful as the fields are inside an iframe (and, for some reason, ...
dvniel's user avatar
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Selenium + Python: how can we close all opened tabs except the first tab/main tab?

This is my code, ''' import time from import By from selenium.webdriver import ActionChains from import expected_conditions as EC ...
Arslan Hassan's user avatar
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How to debug web-socket connection while running tests in Moon?

The problem is that: Autotests fail when I run tests in Moon Chrome. But the same tests pass when I run them locally in Chrome. I guess this problem is somehow connected with websocket connection ...
Ivan Gerasimenko's user avatar
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Selenium: How to bypass Cloudfare authentication with Selenium using Java

I am testing an app and as soon as I load the URL it redirects me to Cloudfare access page and asks me to signIn using Google. When I click on Google SignIn it asks for my email address and password. ...
Sanjay Bhatia's user avatar
2 votes
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Caused by: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/openqa/selenium/WebDriver

I've added all JARS configured chromedriver. Why this error is coming "Error: Unable to initialize main class Practice.test1 Caused by: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/openqa/selenium/...
Divya's user avatar
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Automation Testing for chrome extensions

I am struggling to find a tool that can test the chrome extension. For example: Install this extension ...
paul's user avatar
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cannot click on link Python Selenium

I am trying to add a confirmation link on selenium but selenium is not able to click on that link its on yopmail with name janemartin90452 It doesn't click on the confirmation link Name "Activate ...
Muazam's user avatar
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Not able to Launch Edge with Remote Driver can some one pls help

DesiredCapabilities capabillities = DesiredCapabilities.edge(); capabillities.setBrowserName(BrowserType.EDGE); capabillities.setCapability(CapabilityType.ACCEPT_SSL_CERTS, ...
user49677's user avatar
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Selenium driver for web app testing on chrome in incognito windows

So I am trying to use a selenium web driver extension on chrome to record a web application test on a chrome browser that is in an incognito mode. How do you run a test on a web application in an ...
Temmy's user avatar
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Can we execute our test manually on one device and replay the same tests on multiple devices?

I want to test a shopping website, a portal where users can view/filter products (clothes, shoes, etc) the actual buying happens somewhere else, it's kind of an aggregator. [The website is UI heavy - ...
Ashish Ahuja's user avatar
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Waiting for two events in Selenide

I have code, written on Selenium which waits for the first or for the second event. But all testing framework uses Selenide. The question is how to rewrite such code on Selenide, to avoid unxpectable ...
Wit's user avatar
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C# + chrome-driver : How to fix - cannot find Chrome binary/Chrome failed to start: crashed/Failed to create a Chrome process?

I am trying to run selenium using chrome-driver in my project. While creating object of chrome-driver facing errors : Message "unknown error: cannot find Chrome binary\n (Driver info: ...
Narendra Chandratre's user avatar
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How to find the button name and click it using VBA and Selenium?

I'm trying to go to a LinkedIn website. I'm using Selenium and for some reason it does not recognize my saved user name and password so every time I open up a LinkedIn session, it is prompting me for ...
JerryW's user avatar
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NullPointerException-webdriver null

I put a screenshot with getDriverInstance. After run. When I run the test, I get this error. At debug it tells me, that the WebDriver is null. Can anyone help me with a solution how to fix the ...
Sebastian's user avatar
-3 votes
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How can i repeat this script many times [closed]

driver.find_element_by_class_name("submit").click() time.sleep(2.5) driver.find_element_by_xpath("//input[@value='Continue >>']").click() time.sleep(2.5) driver....
pocket monster's user avatar
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How to assign defined keyword as value of variable in Robot Framework? How to run a Variable as Keyword?

I'm currently using Robot Framework for creating UI automation for our project. And I would like to know how to assign defined keyword as a variable value and how to run variable as keyword?
Oelyu09's user avatar
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how to integrate testrail with selenium

Hi everyone as I am just started to work in testrail and I want to integrate my testrail with selenium using Eclipse What I want to do? I want to run my test case in selenium and if its pass then my ...
uzair shahid's user avatar
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How to go through all pages at a certain domain with Selenium WebDriver?

I need to verify a certain thing on multiple pages on a certain site. The thing is it is quite tedious to manually add links to each page for testing to a script. Is there a way the Selenium WebDriver ...
Seeker001's user avatar
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How to verify the presence of a script on multiple web pages?

I have a set of web pages where I need to verify that a certain script is present. A have a lot of pages to verify so I would like to automate this part of testing. How can a create a sequence with ...
Seeker001's user avatar
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How to automate look-and-feel testing in a complex web application?

My company's web application has dozens of distinct pages that a user might hit. There are site-wide stylesheets, so changing one of them could affect every single page. There are four or five ...
Joshua Frank's user avatar
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In the screen how to navigate to the row which contains the text that needs to be Edited and then click on Edit button.Can some one pls guide.NeedHelp

In the screen how to navigate to the row which contains the text that needs to be Edited and then click on Edit button. Scenario: I have a screen where I need to find the row which has the value as &...
sandy's user avatar
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Not able to click Search button and also select the option from the drop down Getting .ElementNotVisibleException

Not able to click Search button and also select the option from the drop down Getting: org.openqa.selenium.ElementNotVisibleException: Element is not currently visible and so may not be interacted ...
sandy's user avatar
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What are the advantages and disadvantages of using TestProject in automating functional testing?

I'm currently checking out the testproject for the possibility of using it as a tool in our automation testing (functional). Please help me decide if it fits our project by giving me the advantages ...
Oelyu09's user avatar
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How to click pop up window button in selenium with Pyhton

I want to click the "Akkoord" button but I am unable to do that. I already tried different methods but they are not working. Any help will be appreciated. one of the codes I tried. from ...
Tauqeer Sajid's user avatar
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How to avoid errors occur as 'Unable to locate the element'?

Here I wanted to run this method properly when boolean values are false, but when running this method it always failed the test case saying "no such element: Unable to locate element".How ...
user3806999's user avatar
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Python + Selenium: Using and managing old web drivers

Details Based on a browser matrix I have to test several browsers, also older ones. Example: You surely know ...
Mornon's user avatar
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How do I enable ChromeDriver to use browser cache or local storage with selenium python

I was trying to automate a website and it's a PWA. I need the caching data for this site as it takes too long to load, once loaded it's pretty fast. But every time I run my scripts chrome starts a new ...
Shahrear Bin Amin's user avatar
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How to Verify Previous Month Arrow should not present in Current Month in GoIbibo Site

I am unable to Verify Previous Month arrow should not be present in DatePicker but as it is not present in DOM getting Exception unable to find Such Exception. void fillDepartureDate() { // Date ...
Palak Soni's user avatar
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Fetching wrong Employee count corresponding to office location in Selenium

I am fetching Employee count according to locating using Map Highlighted No of employees count is mismatch in Image like If i search in Web table Tokyo there count is 5 but here getting 6 for ...
Palak Soni's user avatar
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Is it valuable to do end to end testing in a virtual environment?

We have to test an iframe that is developed by our team but launches from a partner website. But currently, there is no way to launch the iframe. So, the team asked us to automate the iframe in ...
Aalok's user avatar
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testCafe: How to configure the tests in the same spec file, to execute sequentially?

We are using testCafe for automation. when it comes to executing tests in parallel, test cafe even executes test blocks within the spec file, parallelly. Our tests are independent, but there are some ...
Aalok's user avatar
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XPATH clarification [closed]

Refer: Picture of elements of HTML screenshot I am trying to get XPATH //*[@id="pg:pbEdit:conlist"] or //select[@id="pg:pbEdit:conlist"] Works but I want to be precise not ...
Protocoder's user avatar

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