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Questions tagged [bug-priority]

Bug priority is a way to categorize a bug. In some organizations, it measures the urgency of fixing the bug.

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2 votes
6 answers

What steps to take when you spot a bug before release?

Imagine you are responsible for testing a web application. Your team is preparing a release of a new feature. Just before the release you spot a bug. What next steps would you take next to resolve ...
0 votes
4 answers

Manual Testing Interview Question : What you should do as a QA if you found major bug at last day of Sprint?

If you found a major bug on the last day of a Sprint, what should you do? Can you change the length of the sprint which is already decided? This question was asked me in an interview. What should be ...
17 votes
7 answers

How to tackle a huge bug backlog?

What is the best approach in dealing with a huge bug backlog? Currently we have a huge bug backlog and i was looking for an efficient way to deal/categorize/ how to manage the backlog?
0 votes
3 answers

MCQ on Bug Testing

A bug was found in the product that the test cases did not highlight. As a QA Engineer, what would you do? Update the test script to cover that issue Use your product knowledge to update the test ...
4 votes
6 answers

Should bugs be story-point estimated?

Devs in my team state that estimating points for a bug that needs investigation is not beneficial as it is too difficult to assess the difficulty of fixing a bug before actually laying hands on it. ...
7 votes
4 answers

Pareto Efficiency in Software Testing

I've stumbled upon the Pareto Principle and Pareto Efficiency terms used in different contexts. What does Pareto Efficiency mean in the context of software testing? My understanding is that, it ...
40 votes
11 answers

What is your approach to low-priority bugs?

What is your team's approach with those bugs that you open and report with the absolute certainty that there will never be time in the future to fix them? Do you think it is better to keep them ...
0 votes
2 answers

Priority and severity

If the 9 key is pressed 10 times in a mobile phone, then phone reboots. What would the priority and severity be? I answered "low priority, high severity." Would the answer be "high ...
-2 votes
1 answer

priority in software testing [closed]

If there is some misspelled or mistake in copywrite information then will that be of high priority and low severity or some other would be answer for this ?
91 votes
17 answers

Is asking about "The most interesting bug in your career" a good interview question?

We've been interviewing for quite some time and I've been asking candidates: What is the most interesting bug you've found in your career? Either the most interesting, or the one they are proud of ...
28 votes
6 answers

What are valid bugs

I have been working in testing for almost 4 years and had never had to ask this question because I worked in highly commercial and critical products. Whatever bugs I raised were marked as “to be ...
27 votes
10 answers

Found a minor bug, affecting 1% of users. What should QA do?

What if you’ve found a minor bug, affecting 1% of users and your actions?
13 votes
10 answers

What is the difference between bug severity and bug priority?

This is a basic question. Most projects mix both priority and severity into a single value. What reasons are there to separately assign severity and priority to a defect? What do testing methodologies ...
11 votes
4 answers

How bug prioritization works in agile projects vs non agile

When reporting a defect, we are setting the priority and severity of the defect. How this works with agile development? Is there any specific way ? How bug prioritization works in agile projects vs ...
-1 votes
4 answers

please give me example of the following Priority and Severity of bug? [closed]

in my interview i was asked there is a login page in which the forget password button is not working what will be Severity and Priority and then he told me what if the Submit button not working ...
3 votes
4 answers

In an AGILE work environment, what kind of work should be classified as a bug to be fixed immediately?

We plan 2 week sprints with all tasks and bugs as much as we can. Every once in a while our QA Lead will assign the developers "bugs" mid-sprint for UI inconsistencies or non-emergency (or what he ...
5 votes
4 answers

Defending corner cases

Sometimes, we find specific corner cases that cause a failure in our application - for example, broken relationships between the main entities in our application that are not properly handled (that ...
5 votes
1 answer

How to sell a bug?

As Cem Kaner said: The best tester is not the one who finds the most bugs or who embarrasses the most developers. The best tester is the one who gets the most bugs fixed. Which refers to a ...
19 votes
10 answers

Should you close old bugs?

If you find more bugs than you fix, then what should you do with the ever expanding bug queue? The queue can grow for several reasons: The bug is deemed too low priority to be worth fixing The bug ...
2 votes
1 answer

What are the criteria to convert code smell to a bug

Inspired by this question, which was closed because (and I agree) was not asked correctly and is not answerable. What are the criteria to convert code smell to a bug? Code smell is a hint that ...
5 votes
2 answers

Most famous concurrency bugs?

Following What is the most famous computer bug of all time?, what are the most famous concurrency-related bugs? "Famous" means that the issue enjoyed coverage in mass media. Embarassingly costly ...
19 votes
5 answers

What measures do you use to assess software quality?

Hopefully this isn't too subjective. I am curious to know what measures to use to assess the quality of a given software release. The measures would need to be applied to multiple different projects ...
0 votes
2 answers

When is a bug a story and a story a bug

I'm currently debating what constitutes a bug and a story. If there is no evidence for expected behavior then, Are all perceived issues are bug? If a change is made in a story that wasn't detailed ...
4 votes
5 answers

How should I approach bugs that I know will never be solved?

Occasionally I'll find a bug that is so minor, so miniscule, so unimportant that I know it will get buried under all the high priority bugs. The bugs I find in the application are things like "The Tab ...
2 votes
5 answers

Should the highest bug priority be limited to bugs found on the production server

I have a disagreement with the dev team lead over whether a P0 bug has to be on the production server or not. We are using JIRA as bug tracking system, and I've found this bug on another team's ...
1 vote
3 answers

Production bugs and on-call support

Are there any metrics to determine if a "software defect" that happens in a Production environment is really a bug/defect - and then it's worth engaging 2nd level or "on-call" support? In particular, ...
3 votes
4 answers

Strategy to handle legacy bugs

There are a number of new developers and testers in our team. When the testers are testing the new features the developers built, they are finding a number of issues, which is not strictly in the ...