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Questions tagged [coded-ui-tests]

Coded UI tests are automated User Interface tests that can be created with Visual Studio to test different kinds of user interface.

11 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
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Error: Unable to find window while the window is already displayed in LDTP

I'm using LDTP to write a GUI test case script in python. I'm running the script in a virtual machine by nosetests. And I get a block with the error of unable to find window X, while window X is ...
Ziyuan Ma's user avatar
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Issue with multiple tabs on WPF application using CodedUI

I am working on creating automated test cases for a WPF application using CodedUI. This application contains multiple modules like M1, M2, M3 etc. and I can open these modules from the menu item links....
Dhiman's user avatar
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Should I be using DeploymentItem attribute in CodedUI?

I have few automated test cases written with CodedUI, and I'm using Excel file for keeping test data as my DataSource and also using XML files for keeping the Element locators (ID, Name etc.) All ...
Dhiman's user avatar
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Setting text on WpfEdit control throws pile of exceptions that are then caught -- Is this typical?

I'm doing some coded UI automation, and I've noticed something odd when debugging. When I try and set the text on a WpfEdit control Control.Text = "foo", the system throws a gigantic pile of ...
Sidney's user avatar
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Issue between UiaComWrapper and UIAutomation AutomationElement

Both UiaComWrapper and UIAutomationTypes contain 'AutomationElement' class and its related properties. UiaComWrapper is added by default for every CodedUI project. How can I change UiaComWrapper '...
Dhiman's user avatar
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Specflow CodedUI Generator Plugin not generating feature files

Okay. So here is where I am at. I am using Specflow 2.2.0 to pair automated unit testing with our CodedUI testing effort. I am developing a plugin to add the CodedUI Test attribute to the Specflow ...
Friendbot's user avatar
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Coded UI test cases not running on 64 bit machine

I have created some test cases in Coded UI on 32-bit machine and now I have got another machine for running these test cases (which is 64 bit machine), when I executed my test cases using that machine,...
Dhiman's user avatar
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Coded UI doesn't work in windows 10 and Visual studio 2015

When I try to record and play a window app like calculator it does not record while it works for a web site and browsers. My windows version is 10 and Visual Studio version is 15. It says you ...
User008's user avatar
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Coded UI Test cases taking too much time to execute

Update: I used some hit and trial method for this issue and found that this issue of slowness occurs only when Coded UI (or my code) encounters any Date-Type text field. If there is no Date-Field over ...
Dhiman's user avatar
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When I create 2 test case and record, it works fine individually but when I make them as 2 shared scripts it fails

When I create 2 test cases and run individually in MTM it works fine but when I make them as shared script and put them in one single script file and try to run it. It types same character in the ...
mak's user avatar
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-1 votes
2 answers

How to click on an item in a recycler view?

I'm building page objects for regression testing and there are a few views that incorporates a recycler view with list items and I have found one solution but I can't get it work. What I get is that &...
MrDBUG's user avatar
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