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Questions tagged [csv-file]

Comma-Separated Values or Character-Separated Values (CSV) is a standard "flat file database" format for storing tabular data in plain text, consisting of an optional header row that lists the table fields delimited by commas or tabs or other delimiter character, followed by one or more rows (newline separated) representing the table records as delimited lists of the values. Newlines and separator characters can appear within (quoted) fields.

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1 vote
2 answers

Compare web content with the CSV File

I want to compare my data in CSV with the web content. The data in CSV file comprises of multiple rows and column. How can I verify that the data inputted on the web is correct comparing it with the ...
1 vote
1 answer

How to use __iterationNum() custom function in JMeter to assign csv file to Http Request

Here I'm assigning CSV file on the basis of loop count so that done by using __iterationNum() JMeter custom function (custom JMeter Function plugin added to JMeter) But this stuff is not working for ...
1 vote
1 answer

JMETER: Getting timestamp error in log file when giving CSV filename in Summary Report

When I am giving a CSV filename path in Summary Report, I get an error to see log file. I see log file and it shows: 2019-01-30 14:23:38,146 WARN o.a.j.s.CSVSaveService: Unknown column name 2019-01-...
-1 votes
1 answer

Custom Framework for Writing a Test that Reads a CSV File into a HashMap

I am trying to complete a lab where we are asked to write a unit test that can read a csv file into a hashmap. So far I have this: import; import; import java....
0 votes
2 answers

Jmeter CSV Data Set Config to skip first row

I am trying to run HTTP request using JMeter with parameters inside .csv file and it is working as expected. As i am using 8 different request, with different inputs, header would be really helpful. ...
3 votes
3 answers

Can I copy data from a CSV file and use it in a website using only Selenium IDE

Right now I'm running selenium test script in which I have get data from a CSV file and paste in a site.So can I copy data from a CSV file and paste in a test script in Selenium IDE. It would be of ...
2 votes
1 answer

JMeter - csv data set with property as filename

In my setupThread, I firstly run some code to generate a property containing a file path. I then want to use this file path as the filename parameter for a CSV data set config (still within the ...
1 vote
2 answers

How to perform HTTP PUT Request by reading values from CSV in JMeter?

I have a question how can I set up HTTP Request Sampler for HTTP PUT method in JMeter so it can read data from CSV file using CSV Data Set Config? In my scenario I'm using **Concurrency Thread Group** ...
0 votes
1 answer

JMeter - can multiple thread groups use different rows within the same input csv file?

As part of my setUp Thread Group, I plan on creating objects that I need to refer to later on. Some of these objects are to test particular request methods like GET/PATCH/DELETE - things that need a ...
5 votes
4 answers

Issue with Reading CSV file when doing Distributed testing in Jmeter

I have a satisfactory test plan, that I have been using to test with from single load generation server to our application server which reads data from a CSV file. I have been been asked to setup and ...
3 votes
1 answer

How to send double quotes in postman csv data file

I have the following request body: { username:{{user}}, password:{{pass}} } The expected structure of the request is : { username:"something", password:"something" } if the request body is ...
2 votes
3 answers

JMeter: Write data in CSV file as rows and columns

Can someone please help how to write data in CSV file as rows and columns? I have below code: import; import com.opencsv.CSVWriter; // I am extracting all vars.get from XPath ...
1 vote
1 answer

Add extra columns in the existing csv using jmeter

I have a csv file contains around 1000+ rows. I need to add some extra columns in the existing file and also corresponding values of each row of information using jmeter script.Please can someone help ...
1 vote
1 answer

Selenium/Java reading CSV file using open csv

UserName,Password User1,Pwd1 User2,Pwd1 User3,Pwd3 Assume there is a csv file with user names and passwords as I've mentioned above. I need to read the csv file and store data in a hash map using ...
0 votes
1 answer

Performance issue - Robot Framework vs Python

I am currently working on the development of a keyword that allows to separate the contents of a text file into 2 parts and create 2 new files containing each of these 2 parts. The file format is ...
1 vote
4 answers

How to compare two files without looking at the contents

The same file was loaded in to two different environments, and I need to compare the outputs (without opening them up) My only thought is to compare the file size - because if they're both 5726kb ...
3 votes
2 answers

JMeter looping through CSV

I have two CSV files which I need to use in a loop. I am using jp@gc - Variables from CSV file. The contents are: File #1 File successfuly parsed, 10 variables found: ${1} = e79d29ec-f356-4682-b601-...
2 votes
6 answers

Are there any tools to test whether the response code is not equal to 404 or etc by reading the URLs from a CSV file

I want to check the status code of a URL by reading the URL from a CSV file and "hitting it" with a browser. How can I achieve this functionality? Are there any tools for that?
4 votes
1 answer

Selenium downloads tmp file instead of CSV file

When I download a CSV file from a blob URL, the downloaded file always has a ".tmp" extension and wrong file name. When downloading the same file manually, the file extension and file name both are ...
1 vote
2 answers

Jmeter - Variables from input file to output file

Is there a way to write variables from csv input file to the .csv output file? i have input.csv with planID |planNum ---- |---- 1 | 123456 Also, I have user defined variable: ...
4 votes
2 answers

Selenium IDE data-driven storing special characters from csv file

I'm using selenium IDE and readCSV command from a CSV file. Within the file I have Lägg till Värdorder inside a cell. I'm using command storeCellValue and echo the value. But it looks like this L�gg ...
2 votes
1 answer

How to assign CSV file without using ${__threadNum} in JMeter

I'm facing problem with assigning the CSV file on the basis of loop count, not on the basis of thread count. For example -> address1.csv, address2.csv......addressn.csv So it is very easy to do the ...
2 votes
2 answers

How can I validate CSV exports from my application?

My application has a daily task which exports certain activities to CSV files. In the ideal world, admins would check those files daily to make sure they are sane and the application is behaving as ...
7 votes
4 answers

Performance testing with 100 users: how to read links from CSV file in JMeter?

I am using JMeter to do performance testing of a site. I need to test various links of a site (no need to login) with 100 users and loop it for some number of times. I want to put those links in a ...
4 votes
1 answer

JMeter Report Dashboard

Most recent version of JMeter has an option to generate Report Dashboard which is great, but i am struggling to customize it to match my needs. I am running performance tests for every new version of ...
1 vote
1 answer

JMETER - run next HTTP request after first iteration is finished

I have one HTTP request, .csv file with 50 different inputs, 50 rows in .csv I would like to start next iteration of HTTP request only after first one is finished. I could use ramp up period, but i ...
0 votes
2 answers

JMeter Change thread name or label in result file

I am using .csv file to read data input .csv file header: ID | Design | Type | forname | secondName 1 | design1 | type1 | displayinResults | displayinResults2 Now, i am using ID, Design and Type as ...
2 votes
2 answers

CSVs and JMeter: using variables from a line in multiple samplers

I'm trying to create a test with JMeter to log in many users and test a website. Each user has a username, a password, and a special id number. The associated id number needs to go into the URL for ...
2 votes
4 answers

Data Testing for Massive CSV/XML files

Some background: I am automating for continuous deployment a massive amount of massive files that are in different data structures that gather different data. I know this is vague but sadly, that is ...
4 votes
3 answers

Automating file comparison (different formats like csv, text etc)

I am trying to automate the file comparison which are available in different formats. Is there any tool which can be helpful for this scenario?
1 vote
1 answer

In QC, under the Dashboard module can reports be saved in .csv format?

In QC - Dashboard module - I have a report which has huge data that exceeds Excel limit. Is there a way to save it in .CSV format?
2 votes
2 answers

JMeter: Iterating over a set of CSV files over a set of links - nested loops

I have a set of JSP Pages for each I have a set of links to use for the response time measurements. In order to aggregate the results correctly I am trying to run a foreach controller over a loop ...
2 votes
2 answers

How to upload a csv file from local machine using robot framework script?

Is there any option in robot framework to upload a csv file ( or any kind of file ) from local machine ? Here is my testing scenario - While clicking on 'Upload file' button a new window will pop ...
3 votes
1 answer

Using a variable in the filename textfield of CSV dataset config in JMeter

I want to parameterize the filename textfield of CSV dataset config. I am writing into different files for every user that I'm using in JMeter, hence I need to parameterize the filename option in the ...
1 vote
2 answers

Problems with reading from CSV in while condition in JMeter

With different users I need to log to the same page and with every user I need to send same requests which contain some numbers that I have stored in CSV file (001, 002, 003) in every column one ...
5 votes
1 answer

Automation for export tasks (Word/PDF/CSV)

I am looking for ideas for automating export tasks you would usually see in reports (SSRS SQL Server Reporting Services example - Export to PDF/Excel/CSV). What I have observed is when you export data,...