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Questions tagged [ie11]

IE11 is the last version of the Internet Explorer web browser by Microsoft as of 2016.

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0 votes
2 answers

Issue in displaying webpage in IE11 in selenium webdriver

I am able to input the username, the password, and then click on the login button, but after clicking on the login button it displays nothing on webpage in IE11 but works fine with Chrome and Firefox. ...
0 votes
3 answers

Multiple browser support

Currently, our automation suite runs on Chrome (has been designed for Chrome). We used Cucumber with Java and Selenium. We are trying to make the current automation suite multi-browser compatible. The ...
1 vote
2 answers

Exception in thread "main" org.openqa.selenium.NoSuchElementException: Unable to find element with css selector ==

When I am trying to run the below mentioned Selenium web driver code in IE 11 browser, I get below error: Exception in thread "main" org.openqa.selenium.NoSuchElementException: Unable ...
0 votes
1 answer

Selenium for Internet explorer on Jenkins

Recently, my tests started failing. I'm testing on IE11(company policy) on a jenkins windows slave. My tests all hang on the "This is the initial start page" if I'm not connected to the server. If I ...
1 vote
0 answers

Protractor file upload hanging after send keys on IE11. Works on Chrome/Firefox

I have a Protractor/Cucumber script, that successfully uploads a file on Chrome/Firefox. When I run the same script on IE11, then the website hangs with the file dialog box open and no file sent. The ...
3 votes
2 answers

Is there an app that allows me to login to and manage multiple IE sessions under different user accounts?

I’m testing an intranet web app on IE11 and need to open about 8 browsers, each under a different login ID. It’s hard to navigate through 6-8 separate IE windows so I was wondering if there’s an app, ...
12 votes
11 answers

Does testing on Internet Explorer still make sense in 2021?

It has been more than 6 years since Internet Explorer last received an upgrade from Microsoft. Is testing on IE still relevant as per the end-user point of view?
1 vote
2 answers

WebdriverIO, IE11 window launches but errors in terminal: Request failed due to no such window, Currently focused window has been closed

I am pretty new to WDIO and javascript, but am trying to get WebdriverIO v6 working with IE11. This is important since we make software for the medical industry who only seem to use IE11 despite it ...
2 votes
1 answer

Robotframework/Selenium/IEDriver - Tests fails at times with [object error] error message

I am using robotframework to perform web automation using IE11 and seleniumlibrary. It runs on windows 10 workstations. I use IE driver 3.14.0 32-bit as it allows to run scripts when screen is locked. ...
1 vote
2 answers

Not able to switch back to the parent window of Internet Explorer 11 using selenium (java)

Description: I know how to switch back and forth from main window to child window and vice versa. But for some reason the same code doesn't seems to be working on Internet Explorer 11. I have ...
3 votes
1 answer

Selenium Click not working on IE11 using c#

Local Machine: Dell Latitude (i7-8650U CPU @ 1.90GHz 2.11 GHz) with 16.0 GB RAM Operating System: Windows 10 Pro (64-bit) v1909 Display Scale and Layout: 100% Running on Visual Studio 2017 (v 15.9.21)...
0 votes
1 answer

Selenium test stopped working for IE11

I have several tests running, using the InternetExplorer Webdriver and Java to do the logic. All of the sudden, there is 1 test that starts failing. While investigating, I find that the webdriver can'...
10 votes
8 answers

WebDriver Clicking button issue in IE 11

Have a suite of web-drivers tests that run in chrome and IE 10, but will not run in IE 11. The tests fail in IE-11 when clicking a button as the following action (a form popup) does not occur. I ...
2 votes
1 answer

Katalon/Selenium test failing with IE - "Cannot find the current window; Selenium IE driver connection lost"

I'm finding lately (last few weeks) that automated scripts in Katalon using IE driver are falling over. Failing with message: "Cannot find the current window; Selenium IE driver connection lost". ...
3 votes
1 answer

Selenium Webdriver and IE, in VS/C#: Opening page times out and test fails

I'm using Selenium Webdriver in Visual Studio 2015, with C#. The browser is IE (not because I want to, but becaue I have to). I'm organizing the tests in a Unit Test project, which calls Selenium in a ...
0 votes
1 answer

Selenium test fail when browser is minimized on windows server 2016

I do have this application that I wrote in selenium (java). When I deploy the test to my (windows 2008) remote server, it works fine. When I say fine, I can run the test and minimize the browser, even ...
0 votes
1 answer

Element not visible on IE 11with nightwatch

We are using Nightwatch and working with Page objects. The tests are running without any issue on Chrome but element cannot be found on IE 11. We use css selector and custom tags (named data-testid) ...
0 votes
1 answer

How to save a file by clicking on a link in python-internet explorer-windows [duplicate]

I am having a problem downloading a file using selenium. I had to use selenium to hover over some menus and finally got to the last link which I need to click and reveal 30 zipped files that have a ...
1 vote
1 answer

How to handle mouse over event on submenu in Internet Explorer - Selenium using Python

I am having a problem using selenium and internet explorer 11. I have to automate a website data gathering project where I have to scrape the website for CSV links and download then automatically ...
2 votes
1 answer

Keeping track of windowhandles with Selenium in Internet Explorer 11

We are working with Selenium webdriver to make UI tests for Internet Explorer 11. In the tested webapplication there are several screens popping up. In several tests we end up with three ...
0 votes
1 answer

Robot Framework: Test execution hangs after sometime(after execution of 40 to 50 testcases) via Internet Explorer

I am excuting a testsuite, which includes around 160 testcases via IE. But the execution hangs after sometime. Testcases are simple ones,mostly to check the presence of elements or to get the text ...
1 vote
0 answers

Hover Function not working in selenium webdriver for IE 11 browser [closed]

In IE 11, mouse hover is not working.It is kendo-control.Tried with each possible way.But anything is not working.The element is getting highlighted but it is not opening the list. I want to hover ...