Questions tagged [katalon]

For issues related to the Katalon Studio testing toolset.

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3 votes
2 answers

How to select second value in drop using Katalon Chrome Extention?

I'm trying to make Katalon chrome extension to click the dd/mm/yyyy language. But the problem is when I record the click on dd/mm/yyyy Katalon records xpath=(.//*[normalize-space(text()) and normalize-...
1 vote
2 answers

How do i select random future date from date picker every time in katalon studio

How do I select a random future date from the date picker every time in Katalon studio?
1 vote
1 answer

Getting Error at the time of saving the test cases in Katalon Studio

Getting below error while saving test cases after recording. Can someone help me to understand and how to correct this?
3 votes
5 answers

Test Management Tool for managing multiple projects

I am looking for recommendations on Test Management Tools. To start it would be mainly for manual testing, but we would like to integrate with our automated tests in the future. Ideally we would be ...
2 votes
2 answers

BDD Given - How do you set the starting page?

Given user is currently at Login page With the Given above it would be invalid if I include the actual navigation to login page in the step definition simply because navigating to a page is an action ...
2 votes
2 answers

Test breaks with FailureHandling set to OPTIONAL with WebUI.verifyElementPresent

When running the following code (in Katalon Studio): if (WebUI.verifyElementPresent(findTestObject('Object Repository/xyz'), 5, FailureHandling.OPTIONAL)) {'xyz'))...
0 votes
0 answers

Katalon Windows App / WinAppDriver error ‘Process is terminated due to StackOverflowException.’

I'm using Katalon Enterprise 8.0.5 and WinAppDriver 1.2.1. I'm trying to automate this Microsoft application - 'Dynamics 365 (preview)' - despite the name it is supposedly the finished article: https:/...
1 vote
1 answer

Katalon Studio 6.2.2 by default generates scripts in groovy language, is there a setting using which scripts can be generated by default in Java?

Is there a way to get scripts in Java when I record using Katalon studio ?
0 votes
2 answers

testing with loops

I have a test case that is looping 400+ times with different inputs from the excel spreadsheet. Currently, this is one big test case and I want to make different test cases with the same loop. Is this ...
2 votes
2 answers

Katalon - sharing a project - how bad?

I was asked this question by a manager and don't actually know the correct answer for why we shouldn't simply share Katalon projects (e.g. on a network drive). Please help! If two users, A and B, are ...
1 vote
2 answers

How to find an element which doesn't have proper attribute

I need to click on an element which is inside the div tag. I tried using the xpath which when used detects the element both in the console and in the Katalon ide. But when the script is run, it doesn'...
4 votes
1 answer

Katalon Studio integration with Squash TA

I have a pretty simple question: Can we integrate Katalon Studio with Squash TA? If yes can you, please, give me some links to help.
0 votes
2 answers

Data driven testing with different elements eg Katalon

I have used basic data-driven testing to populate fields in Katalon scripts but how do I supply values (in Excel) to click checkboxes and radio buttons, please? Eg where one instance of the script ...
0 votes
1 answer

How can I check if a text box is empty using Katalon Studio (or Selenium)?

My site has a text field with a default value that is filled after first user login. But, on the first visit, the text box is empty. How can I check if a text box is empty or not? Using Katalon ...
0 votes
1 answer

Python + Selenium: Is there a way convert Groovy based test cases into Python?

In my new project, I am supposed to bring the current test cases, all written in Groovy, to a Python base. We are talking about several thousand test cases that have accumulated over the last years. ...
2 votes
6 answers

API Management Tool Recommendation

I am looking for a tool for API testing and collaboration that offers the following: Creating a workspace that can be shared with a limited number of people. A good number of collections without ...
0 votes
1 answer

Can I keep the Groovy power assert and still have a custom message printed?

I use Katalon Studio for my test automation. It comes with an in-built script editor (Groovy). So, I can use Groovy's power assert that gives me a nice and detailed output message when the assert ...
-1 votes
1 answer

Katalon vs Taiko automation

Our team of -manual- QA's are currently working with Katalon automation tool. But our boss decided that Java is outdated and JavaScript is the future of web automation. So they proposed us to use ...
0 votes
1 answer

Katalon - how to make an embedded test case data-driven?

Hello I need to login to an app and then make a product selection, with several different products (as a data driven script). The login script & product selection script will be used by other test ...
1 vote
2 answers

How to control the state of databases in between API Tests?

I'm somewhat new to Automated API Testing and have been experimenting with doing some API (functional?/regression?) tests in SoapUI and Katalon against multiple microservices (no-UI, just API), along ...
5 votes
2 answers

Actual Steps in Step Definition or Call Test Cases in Step Definition, What's the Best Practice?

I'm currently working on a Cucumber project using Katalon Studio, and I'm not sure if... I need to directly write the test items on Step Definition file OR Should I call the test cases in Step ...
-2 votes
1 answer

Katalon Studio Starting Browser opening Problem

I have a problem that I can't solve: When I start my Test Cases, first what happens a new Chrome Opens with a URL I never mentioned anywhere. URL:
-1 votes
2 answers

Is anybody using Katalon tool for automation? [closed]

I have 2 questions: What is the difference between Selenium builder and Katalon? I think both are same Are building scripts used in these tools good enough for passing an interview? I mean: If we ...
1 vote
1 answer

I Wanted to know if we can use Katalon for Cucumber BDD frame work but, with Java and not Groovy scripts?

We are using Katalon, but I always wanted to use Cucumber BDD framework. I have he seen that Katalon 5.7 started incorporating Cucumber BDD framework. But, I am not sure how to use it for Java as ...
5 votes
1 answer

What is a faster alternative to maintaining an automation testing suite using codeception & php?

We have been using Codeception/PHP for the past year and have had problems in making progress fast enough (automated coverage is very low). We have realized that hand coding PHP is something we want ...
2 votes
3 answers

How to modify the katalon Reports

I have generated a test suite and run the testng.xml file and default report is generated accordingly. I want to modify default generated report. I want to display one column which shows the pass and ...
1 vote
2 answers

when i tried to Replay the Recorded Script or Manual in Katalon studio, it's unable to reach Chrome Error

I have just used this tool recently and I have a problem as below: I recorded a basic login script and tried to Run it on chrome. The browser got opened successfully but unable to navigate to the ...
2 votes
1 answer

Katalon/Selenium test failing with IE - "Cannot find the current window; Selenium IE driver connection lost"

I'm finding lately (last few weeks) that automated scripts in Katalon using IE driver are falling over. Failing with message: "Cannot find the current window; Selenium IE driver connection lost". ...
1 vote
1 answer

Unable to run application on IE while testing with Katalon

Tried all the solutions available on the web, tried configuring to the latest version but still the test cases fail in Katalon Studio while it is tested on Internet Explorer. The same script works ...
1 vote
0 answers

How to pick current system date from date picker using Katalon recorder?

I am unable to add a calendar date picker using Katalon recorder. What value should be given to pick current system date? Command: Sendkeys, Target: id of the element value: ? (what is the value?)
1 vote
0 answers

How can I move slider in Katalon studio and the range starts from 619 to 1443

I'm trying to change the slider value in Katalon, I tried using setSliderValue but I failed, Can anyone help me with this. I want to change the Slider value during runtime, Its 619 by default and I ...
2 votes
1 answer

Calling a test suite from another Test Suite/Test Case

As per my project requirement I need a Test Suite to be called from another Test Suite, is this anyhow possible in Katalon Studio? There is an inbuilt function for calling Test Cases but there isn't ...
3 votes
1 answer

Getting different results using selenium and iFrames on Firefox 63, Chrome 69 and Chrome 70

I wrote a test using Katalon Studio 5.8.0. My application under test contains a iFrame. Fortunately, both the iFrame and its children are identified using unique attributes. So, the following code ...
3 votes
2 answers

Are there best practices for archiving test output reports?

I am using Katalon Studio for test automation. The reports are written to the disc. But, after a while, after many test suites are executed, the reports folder has grown to more than 40 GB. I would ...
4 votes
4 answers

Is this a good re-testing strategy for Katalon Studio?

I asked a similar question on Katalon Studio forum, but it didn't get much traction: Anyway, in order to deal with test flakiness this ...
1 vote
1 answer

Is there a way to check if an external program is running from Katalon Studio?

My application has a print document option that opens the pdf reader. Is there a way to check if the pdf reader is running from Katalon?
1 vote
1 answer

Screenshot with Katalon and Chrome headless mode

Copying/reposting from stackoverflow: I'm using the following code to take screenshots of warning and ...
2 votes
1 answer

Test flakiness in Katalon Studio

I'm having a problem but I'm not sure what is the cause. When I run a test case that includes an iframe object, on the first run Katalon is finding the iframe but unable to click an object inside of ...
1 vote
2 answers

Using Selenium commands in Katalon

How can I use Selenium commands in Katalon Studio? There is a commands reference on Katalon site, but I can't seem to call those from my scripts written in the Katalon script writing tool. https://...
1 vote
0 answers

How to get Katalon Execution Result on Jira?

Crosspost from the main StackOverflow page: I'm trying to integrate Katalon into Jira with the Jira extension, but the field in Jira is not appearing. I followed the directions here: (https://forum....