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Unable to run feature files parallel with JUnit 4 and "mvn test" command?

I want to run my 5 Cucumber feature files with "Mvn test" Command parallely. Now, the "mvn test" or 'mvn build" runs fine and maven builds the project, but feature file dont ...
qatester972's user avatar
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How to run multiple Feature files parallelly in Cucumber with TestNG Runner?

I am facing one issue: I need to run 5 feature files that are totally independent of each other, Each feature files logs into a different site. I want 5 different ChromeDriver Browser sessions to open ...
kunaltester2304's user avatar
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How to include automation framework jar file dependency in my maven pom.xml?

I want to include one .jar file which has classes of my core automation framework. I created a "lib" folder in my selenium project and then gave its path in the pom.xml dependency. This Jar ...
harry234's user avatar
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Error while testing android device using appium and selenium

I get this error and cannot start the device: java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException Unable to create a new remote session. Please check the server log for more details. Original error: An ...
sahar's user avatar
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java.lang.UnsupportedClassVersionError -CucumberJvm4SMFormatter -Java runtime Version error

My testing framework is built with Cucumber, TestNG, Java 1.8 and Maven I recently updated my IntelliJ IDE Details: IDE : IntelliJ IDEA Ultimate 2020.3 - Runtime version : 11.0.9 Cucumber is ...
Hima's user avatar
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Automated testing of Google Pub/Sub

I'm new to test automation and Google Pub/Sub. I'm developing automation scripts for regression testing. My automation framework is built with Java, Maven, Cucumber and TestNG My application is a ...
Hima's user avatar
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Null Pointer Exception Error at Selenium TestNG

I'm trying to automate the search box but I'm getting null pointer exception. package LICT.Maven_ReCheck_Search; import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit; import org.openqa.selenium.WebDriver; import ...
Sarowar Alam Saidi's user avatar
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3 answers

What is the use of Maven in Selenium WebDriver Automation Project?

Do we use Maven only to create dependencies in pom.xml file? Isn't there any other use of Maven in selenium project?
Jerry67's user avatar
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Unable to Run Tests on Edge browser in Jenkins

I am trying to run my Tests in the Jenkins using Microsoft Edge. When I click on build now, I am getting the below error in the Console Output ------------------------------------------------------ ...
User1208's user avatar
-1 votes
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Not able to execute Selenium maven automation project using Eclipse Run as "Maven Test"

When i execute my selenium java project using maven test its not executing. its showing me error. Its execute properly when i execute through TestNG.xml file. But its showing error when execute it ...
Kaushal Patel's user avatar
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“org.openqa.selenium.WebDriverException: unknown error: Chrome failed to start: exited abnormally” issue on jenkins(openshift) chrome node

I've been trying to run selenium codes over Jenkins (server/openshift). There is chrome node in the jenkins machine for Test Automation - Selenium. I'm getting this error: org.openqa.selenium....
Furkan's user avatar
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Selenium UI Tests folder structure

I'm really new here and started writing some UI tests using selenium and testng and wanted to know how do you structure the folders, it is a maven project and using java. I'm putting all the test ...
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testng.xml is not executing when we run pom.xml for maven project selenium

While executing my pom.xml file through maven test my BUILD is getting SUCCESSFUL but my testng.xml is not executing. I tried with executing 13 classes and with single class for both the time it ...
Anupam Sahu's user avatar
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Clean pom.xml from all not used dependencies

Maybe this question was already posted here. If yes, please attach the link, I couldn't find out the same. I would like to clean my old and not used dependencies from pom.xml, can someone advice me ...
G.Guy's user avatar
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Cucumber step definitions in .feature file not highlight

In my project, I create simple feature file in my maven project using cucumber syntax. but IntelliJ IDEA, not highlight steps in feature file and also I cant use ALT+ENTER key to create step ...
Sachintha's user avatar
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Can we run Robotframework test cases through Maven Surefire Plugin to run them parallel

Hi I have created some test cases in Robot framework and now I wat to run them in parallel. I know there is Pabot to run test suites in parallel but my requirement is to run them through Maven ...
Bhanuteja O's user avatar
7 votes
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How to run tests in parallel using Robot Framework Maven plugin?

I'm using the Robot Framework Maven plugin to execute my Robot Framework scripts. I'm using this plugin because some of my keywords are implemented in Java and packaged inside an external library. I ...
Fred's user avatar
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Jenkins: failing builds on warnings

I've been reading the book "Continuous Delivery: Reliable Software Releases through Build, Test, and Deployment Automation (Addison-Wesley Signature Series (Fowler))" And these paragraphs ...
gvasquez's user avatar
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Allure reports do not generate results when calling mvn test with arguments

If i run inside eclipse -> Run As -> Maven test, I have an allure-results directory created no problem in /target - Great! If I call mvn from the command line and pass in some arguments.... I have no ...
symon's user avatar
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Junit Setup & Teardown when using parallel cucumberJVM with auto generated test runner files

Scenario: I am using a cucumberJVM setup using a parallel cucumberJVM plugin which creates separate runner files for every feature file. I want to handle my setup & teardown independently, since ...
symon's user avatar
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Use enviornment variables in selenium properties file

I have a test package which is based on Selenium and the configuration is in a file. Now all the config values are hard coded there. I would like to hide some config values to hide ...
Happy Coder's user avatar
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Possibility of using maven surfire plugin for SOAP webservice tests

I have a challenge of using maven surfire plugin for SOAP webservices testing. What I need to check is whether this plugin can be used while running webservices tests in CI environment. I will ...
Monika Łyżwa's user avatar
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Not able to install maven on windows [closed]

Getting error while trying to install maven on windows. What I have tried is, I have set the Environment variables as follows: System variable:: MAVEN_HOME :: C:\Users\hari\Downloads\apache-maven-3....
Hari's user avatar
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Specifying and running multiple goals in Maven

I have created a testing framework using Cucumber, Selenium and Maven. I am using the cucumber-jvm-parallel plugin to run my tests in parallel. Below is how my pom.xml looks: <?xml version="1.0" ...
BountyHunter's user avatar
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Plugin of Maven - Automated test

I need to run automated test on Bamboo (Atlassian) but I don't know what plugin of maven use. The automated test are written in Selenium and Java.
aleja20.06's user avatar
5 votes
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Error in Maven project build-"Could not initialize class org.apache.maven.index.ArtifactInfo"

Hi All when I am trying to build or clean the Maven project I got below error can any help me ? Errors occurred during the build. Errors running builder 'Maven Project Builder' on project 'POM-...
Mahesh's user avatar
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How to execute parallel junit tests with maven surefire

I'm using Selenium WebDriver, Junit 4.9, maven for testing. Now I need to parallel tests. I added the plugin below, then tried to run it from IntelliJ IDEA 11, but it was still running sequentially. ...
Peijie's user avatar
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