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Unable to run feature files parallel with JUnit 4 and "mvn test" command?

I want to run my 5 Cucumber feature files with "Mvn test" Command parallely. Now, the "mvn test" or 'mvn build" runs fine and maven builds the project, but feature file dont ...
qatester972's user avatar
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How to run multiple Feature files parallelly in Cucumber with TestNG Runner?

I am facing one issue: I need to run 5 feature files that are totally independent of each other, Each feature files logs into a different site. I want 5 different ChromeDriver Browser sessions to open ...
kunaltester2304's user avatar
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How to include automation framework jar file dependency in my maven pom.xml?

I want to include one .jar file which has classes of my core automation framework. I created a "lib" folder in my selenium project and then gave its path in the pom.xml dependency. This Jar ...
harry234's user avatar
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Error while testing android device using appium and selenium

I get this error and cannot start the device: java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException Unable to create a new remote session. Please check the server log for more details. Original error: An ...
sahar's user avatar
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I am not able to ctrl + click on feature file in Cucumber step definition, definition not found error

Help Me I have installed Cucumber and Natural but my feature file is not getting highlighted after clicking ctrl + click. Also, it has highlighted with yellow color While running Test Runner, it says ...
Surbhi Agarwal's user avatar
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Chrome Driver Maven Error "org.openqa.selenium.SessionNotCreatedException: Could not start a new session."

I am trying to run a selenium-based java test application on Intellij using maven. The problem is that if I run the test in IntelliJ the chrome driver starts and run successfully whereas if I Exeecute ...
Azeem Baloch's user avatar
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Unable to run test on gitlab pipeline due to DevToolsActivePort file doesn't exist

I created a sample Selenium Webdriver test using java and maven and pushed it out to my gitlab repository. Then I created a new pipeline to run the automated tests. This is my first time running a ...
na2193's user avatar
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How to get the count of all the test cases in my Maven Selenium test project

At the moment I'm working on a legacy Maven Selenium test project. It will take around 10 hours to run the entire test suite. After 10 hours from the IntelliJ I can get the total number of test cases ...
ChathuD's user avatar
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GUI / report for Selenium / Maven test failures

I've got testers starting to work with Selenium / Maven / Java / IntelliJ Idea. Does anyone know if a way I can generate a GUI report of a test's results after it has been complete? Only need to ...
Luke Pring's user avatar
-1 votes
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Getting Nullpointer exception when using click method using Page object model

In Helpers class I have this below method public void click(By locator){ driver.findElement(locator).click(); } In one of the pages used that method to click on an element as follows public class ...
Divya's user avatar
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Maven is not running any tests called using testng suitexml files in POM.xml

I am trying to run a test using Maven by providing the testng.xml file. It is not running any test, although the build is successful. POM.xml <project xmlns="
Sandesh Sawant's user avatar
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Null Pointer Exception Error at Selenium TestNG

I'm trying to automate the search box but I'm getting null pointer exception. package LICT.Maven_ReCheck_Search; import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit; import org.openqa.selenium.WebDriver; import ...
Sarowar Alam Saidi's user avatar
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Getting “testng.xml is not a valid file” error in Jenkins

I’m getting the following error when trying to run a Selenium/TestNg test from Jenkins. [ERROR] Suite file /development/apps/config/jenkins/jobs/teste-automatizado/workspace/Abc/testng.xml is not a ...
Tester's user avatar
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How to resolve NullPointerException error while implementing POM with cucumber framework

I am getting java.lang.NullPointerException while executing my test case, I am using Page Object Modle with cucumber framework in my maven project, following are the code snippets ...
Aman Kumar's user avatar
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What is the use of Maven in Selenium WebDriver Automation Project?

Do we use Maven only to create dependencies in pom.xml file? Isn't there any other use of Maven in selenium project?
Jerry67's user avatar
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Cannot initiate TestNG test

I'm learning to use selenium WebDriver with TestNG plugging for Eclipse and I ran into this issue where I can't execute the test case (it is unfinished but it has no compile errors nor warnings). ...
Charly's user avatar
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Not able to execute Selenium maven automation project using Eclipse Run as "Maven Test"

When i execute my selenium java project using maven test its not executing. its showing me error. Its execute properly when i execute through TestNG.xml file. But its showing error when execute it ...
Kaushal Patel's user avatar
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Can I create an executable TestNG Selenium jar with my tests using maven

##### My POM file pom.xml"> 4.0.0 company.myproj myproj 0.0.1 jar <properties> <>UTF-8</project....
Eelke's user avatar
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“org.openqa.selenium.WebDriverException: unknown error: Chrome failed to start: exited abnormally” issue on jenkins(openshift) chrome node

I've been trying to run selenium codes over Jenkins (server/openshift). There is chrome node in the jenkins machine for Test Automation - Selenium. I'm getting this error: org.openqa.selenium....
Furkan's user avatar
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Selenium UI Tests folder structure

I'm really new here and started writing some UI tests using selenium and testng and wanted to know how do you structure the folders, it is a maven project and using java. I'm putting all the test ...
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Automation Test Gradle Project using Selenium, can we keep test scripts outside src/test/java folder and access and if yes, how can we implement it?

In a maven/gradle project, can we keep source code of automation testing outside src/test/java or src/main/java folders, keeping that code creating a new folder inside project root? If yes, how can we ...
Bhinge Santosh's user avatar
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Cucumber - Feature file with page object model approach

I am totally new to cucumber, I am using page object model approach. Let's say I have 3 page and 3 test classes Ex: login / Registration ...
Prakhar Patwa's user avatar
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Maven Dependencies Selenium

I have started learning Selenium recently, but i am stuck on the first step itself, in-spite of adding all the required webdriver dependencies, while initiating the webdriver instance in a function, ...
nitin's user avatar
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testng.xml is not executing when we run pom.xml for maven project selenium

While executing my pom.xml file through maven test my BUILD is getting SUCCESSFUL but my testng.xml is not executing. I tried with executing 13 classes and with single class for both the time it ...
Anupam Sahu's user avatar
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Maven TestNG multiple suites in different folders

I'm working on a mobile automation task where I need to run test suites in parallel for 3 different iOS apps. Each test suite has its own testng.xml with a section configured to run on a device. I ...
Appium_ios_android's user avatar
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Clean pom.xml from all not used dependencies

Maybe this question was already posted here. If yes, please attach the link, I couldn't find out the same. I would like to clean my old and not used dependencies from pom.xml, can someone advice me ...
G.Guy's user avatar
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Can we run Robotframework test cases through Maven Surefire Plugin to run them parallel

Hi I have created some test cases in Robot framework and now I wat to run them in parallel. I know there is Pabot to run test suites in parallel but my requirement is to run them through Maven ...
Bhanuteja O's user avatar
7 votes
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How to run tests in parallel using Robot Framework Maven plugin?

I'm using the Robot Framework Maven plugin to execute my Robot Framework scripts. I'm using this plugin because some of my keywords are implemented in Java and packaged inside an external library. I ...
Fred's user avatar
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How to extend Selenium2Library by creating new RobotFramework keywords using Selenium WebDriver in Java?

I'm trying to extend the Selenium2Library python library (1.8.0) by implementing new Robot Framework keywords using Selenium WebDriver in Java. In order to do that, I need to be able to retrieve the ...
Fred's user avatar
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Use enviornment variables in selenium properties file

I have a test package which is based on Selenium and the configuration is in a file. Now all the config values are hard coded there. I would like to hide some config values to hide ...
Happy Coder's user avatar
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Robot framework: how to point to libraries folder other than default?

I've set up a Maven project that uses Selenium (as a dependency) and would like to add Robot. The thing is, according to Third party libraries (e.g. Selenium ...
Floella's user avatar
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Cucumber: Type Mismatch cannot covert from Class <Step Definition> to Class<?extends Runner> in eclipse

I have been playing around with Selenium Cucumber and came across this error message: Type mismatch: Cannot convert from Class StepDefinition to Class?extends Runner and here is my code: package ...
Guest1234's user avatar
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Not able to install maven on windows [closed]

Getting error while trying to install maven on windows. What I have tried is, I have set the Environment variables as follows: System variable:: MAVEN_HOME :: C:\Users\hari\Downloads\apache-maven-3....
Hari's user avatar
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CI for Selenium Project

I am not fully sure how to fully build Continuous Integration for Selenium project, so I would like to ask the following: Is it true that the only difference between a Maven project and a Java ...
Richardson's user avatar
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Specifying and running multiple goals in Maven

I have created a testing framework using Cucumber, Selenium and Maven. I am using the cucumber-jvm-parallel plugin to run my tests in parallel. Below is how my pom.xml looks: <?xml version="1.0" ...
BountyHunter's user avatar
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Version Control for Selenium Itself

My question is about best practice. We are moving to Selenium and will be using Selenium, Maven, TestNG and GitHub, with a Windows environment. We will have about ten users, with more in the future. ...
Zaxxon's user avatar
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ExpectedConditions cannot be resolved to a variable

I am waiting for WebElement is clickable using below code: WebDriverWait wait = new WebDriverWait(driver,9); WebElement element = wait.until(ExpectedConditions.visibilityOf(CancelListingButton)); ...
seema's user avatar
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Cucumber and Maven setup

I am trying to integrate my Cucumber project and Maven, while adding cucumber-junit dependency in POM, I'm getting the below error : Failed to read artifact descriptor for info.cukes:cucumber-...
JustARandomGuy's user avatar
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Plugin of Maven - Automated test

I need to run automated test on Bamboo (Atlassian) but I don't know what plugin of maven use. The automated test are written in Selenium and Java.
aleja20.06's user avatar
5 votes
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Error in Maven project build-"Could not initialize class org.apache.maven.index.ArtifactInfo"

Hi All when I am trying to build or clean the Maven project I got below error can any help me ? Errors occurred during the build. Errors running builder 'Maven Project Builder' on project 'POM-...
Mahesh's user avatar
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How to execute parallel junit tests with maven surefire

I'm using Selenium WebDriver, Junit 4.9, maven for testing. Now I need to parallel tests. I added the plugin below, then tried to run it from IntelliJ IDEA 11, but it was still running sequentially. ...
Peijie's user avatar
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