Questions tagged [robot]

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2 votes
1 answer

"No Keyword with name" error while using AutoIt Library Robot Framework

Got an error encountered "No keyword name" error in AutoIt Library Robot Framework. I installed the AutoIt Library by using pip install and it was successful. I tried to automate input text in the ...
0 votes
1 answer

Robot framework - Trying to read data in edit mode, but its not fetching the text, instead its fetching "--Select--"

After clicking on Edit, a new page appears. I want to read a few data from that opened page. I used GET Value with locator to fetch id value. Id has 4 values New Open In ...
0 votes
1 answer

How to convert Float to String in robotframework [closed]

I have a list with data as float or number and I need to convert it to String for comparison with robotframework with another dataset which is in String only. I tierd string operations from ...
0 votes
1 answer

Error while running automated scripts in robot framework

'pybot' is not recognized as an internal or external command I am installing Python, Pip, Robot Framework and its all needed libraries and its working fine. 1) Python, Pip & Robot Framework all ...
4 votes
5 answers

Should there be any business logic in automated tests at all?

I work with developers who love to compare results in automated tests. So what they do is, they: look at the functionality they want to test let the software do what is supposed to be tested grab the ...
0 votes
1 answer

Selenium code to Press F12 and navigate to source tab

Can please anyone guide me how i could Press F12 and than navigate to source tab in Developer tool in Chrome. I was able to do it till pressing F12, but i am not able to Navigate to source, since the ...