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Questions tagged [soapui]

soapUI and soapUI NG Pro are part of the ReadyAPI Suite of desktop applications for inspecting, invoking, monitoring, and simulating/mocking as well as testing of REST/WADL and SOAP/WSDL-based Web Services.

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1 answer

Is there a way to put an entire part of a request in a SoapUI variable?

I'm using SoapUI to test REST webservices and I'm stuck on an issue. I have a json object, called coverages, which consists of one or more other objects, it looks something like this (example with 2 ...
Jan G.'s user avatar
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How do I test a Web-Service with Single-Sign-On authentification?

I am trying to test a Web-Service that is created in an SAP System with SoapUI. Normally I would provide a user name and password in order to authenticate the call. The problem that I am having is ...
Jagger's user avatar
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1 answer

SoapUI Load Testing - Define a Curve to Test On

I am trying to run a test with 11 steps, and I want to define a curve of how frequently tests will be sent. That is, I want to start off with one request per second, then graduate that until I hit a ...
Justin123's user avatar
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ReadyAPI-Request an access token in headless mode fails for oauth 2 token retrieval in CI/CD pipeline

I am using the below code to generate accessToken. import; import; ...
STE's user avatar
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I have automated Soap request via Rest Assured code, but its written that Rest assured API can only be used for rest service [duplicate]

Here is my code public class xmlreq extends TestBase { @Test public void buildRequest() {"starting"); RestAssured.baseURI="
Sumeet's user avatar
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Graphical front-end for jmeter

I use jmeter to test REST web services. For some customers, I'd like a graphical interface to show the flow of a script. I imagine tiles for each web service call and lines connecting those tiles to ...
Jeffrey Bloom's user avatar
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Replace SoapUI(or any equivalent tool) with code

(Disclaimer: you can replace in this post the term SoapUI with any tool doing end-to-end testing with a UI) My company use SoapUI to do end-to-end testing. They need to execute some tests on Selenium ...
Ice-Blaze's user avatar
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1 answer

Sending SQS messages via SoupUI

I'm using SQS in local, and I try to send a query using SoapUI: My Query look like this : aws --endpoint-url=http://localhost:4576 sqs send-message --queue-url http://localhost:4576/queue/...
Youcef LAIDANI's user avatar
-1 votes
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Having issues in running SOAP API in JMETER

Hi I'm try to execute a soap api script on jmeter but is returning 500. It's executing fine on SOAPUI POST Header manager: Content-Type: text/...
Saad Ahmed's user avatar
2 votes
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soapUI - REST API, parameters as variables in request body are empty (*previously posted as guest by accident)

[I am re-posting this; I posted it as "guest" inadvertently.] soapUI 5.5.0, community edition. Created REST requests with parameters (style = plain). Wanted to use them in request body as variables, ...
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soapUI - REST API, parameters as variables in request body are empty [duplicate]

soapUI 5.5.0, community edition. Created REST requests with parameters (style = plain). Wanted to use them in request body as variables, but that did not work. Tried "${#firstName}" and "{firstName}" ...
user42729's user avatar
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How to control the state of databases in between API Tests?

I'm somewhat new to Automated API Testing and have been experimenting with doing some API (functional?/regression?) tests in SoapUI and Katalon against multiple microservices (no-UI, just API), along ...
Akromyk's user avatar
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What kind of Database Testing could be done based on soapui trnasactions? [closed]

The transactions are SoapUi transactions but the effect of them is that the database is updated. What sort of test cases or approaches can I use in this situation?
Lavanya Thiruppathi's user avatar
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Is there a way to read data from excel and set global variable in SOAP UI and send those global variable in request payload?

Is there a way to read data from excel set global variable in SOAP UI and send those global variable in request payload and how to call multiple rest services?
Ankita's user avatar
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SoapUI/ReadyAPI: How to best compare two data sources

I am currently setting up some REST API tests. I have a test case that has the following Steps: Data Source - Get all Auth credentials in database REST Request - Auth POST getting auth token ...
Ross's user avatar
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Web Service Testing Site

I practice web services testing but I don't have any web service testing site. Could anyone please suggest a good web service testing site? Please help. Thanks in advance.
nicholas's user avatar
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What are the pro's and con's of writing an API test automation framework at code level as opposed to using a tool

As I look into writing automation frameworks at the API layer(relatively new to this area), a question that keeps cropping up in my mind is.....why should I write an automation framework at code level ...
Andy Tilston's user avatar
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Does SonarQube accepts SoapUi test reports?

I have an API Java project with somes development tools : Maven for build Gitlab for CICD SonarQube for unit test code coverage and quality code tests (using sonar-maven-plugin plugin and mvn sonar:...
GGO's user avatar
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How to assert or validate the sorting order of a response json data on SoapUI

For a get request im getting a json response and it contain some school data.The schools should be appear by descending order for the school rating number. Somthing looks like this. { "...
ChathuD's user avatar
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SoapUI response: Integer range validation

One of my API's is returning, "minStudentAge":12 For a one API out put there will be 5 ,6 "minStudentAge" tags with different integer value. Is there any way to validate the integer value which ...
ChathuD's user avatar
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I have 1000+ request message in XML file and want to call SOAP Webservice end point

Is there any SOAP Client available for free that will allow me to trigger different request messages in sequence for the same SOAP Operation? I have 1000+ soap requests and I have created the file in ...
user3384231's user avatar
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SoapUI Xpath assertion: match the exact length of the field

I need to match, exact length of a string and I'm using below code for that : declare namespace ns123='urn:lt:sb:xmlns:services:customers:customerinformationfile:GetCustByGlobalId:1.2'; matches(//...
Jdreamer's user avatar
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SoapUI Execute Script before any tests are run

I'd like to execute a script to setup tests. It should be run once but only once if I start a single test manually or a testsuite or the whole project. (Whenever the execution starts.) I also need to ...
Marc Trittibach's user avatar
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SOAPUI asserting input xml against the database fields

In soapui, i have a request xml and for which i would get an response. I have established jdbc connection. Now i need to verify the input xml against the database persisted fields. the xml elements ...
Ram's user avatar
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Regarding the Build job in jenkins

When I am running maven goal in Jenkins which runs soap tests which are developed using groovy, whenever there is a test failure then all the other tests are failed without any test execution from job....
SHASHAVALI LADDU's user avatar
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How to save and share the data across multiple requests under same project in SoapUI?

I am new to the SOAPUI and have created few rest mock services in it. Now I have two separate rest mock services which do not interact with each other but are under the same project in SoapUI. The ...
Nikunj Aggarwal's user avatar
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Multiply in Groovy SoapUI [closed]

I would like to multiply the below response by 100, then compare it with the request. How do I multiply using Groovy? This is for SoapUI. def response = context.expand( '${abcd#Response#$[16][\'...
Abhi's user avatar
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Expression in Property Transfer for XML response in SOAPUI

I am trying to get a sessionID value from an XML response after a http request. However the response is not a clear XML, so I can't write a propertly expression to get this value. Any idea to do that?...
Alejandro Jimenez's user avatar
2 votes
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SoapUI CE and ReadyAPI (SoapUI NG) encode URLs differently

I have created an HTTP request to the URL below in SoapUI (v5) and SoapUI Pro NG (ReadyAPI v2.0): http://localhost:8888/content-service/content/book?query=(collection="book title") However, the ...
ECiurleo's user avatar
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Using REST Assured library for testing SOAP webservices

Is there a possibility of using REST Assured library for testing SOAP webservices? I have a bunch of Test Suites in SOAP UI and I need to check if there is possibility of using REST Assured. Can ...
Monika Łyżwa's user avatar
2 votes
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Getting issue while automating SOAP service using Karate framework

I am a bit stuck while automating SOAP service . I have below url and request xml : Background: url Scenario: soap 1.1 request """ When soap action '********' Then status 200 After running ...
Ranjan Gupta's user avatar
6 votes
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Unable to capture Rest API's in soapui with proxy

I am a SoapUI Beginner, using SOAPUI(version 5.3.0) open source for API testing. I want to fetch all Rest API with a proxy. But whenever I use HTTP Monitoring Tool in soapUI to fetch all the rest APIs ...
Sukhwinder Singh's user avatar
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java.sql.SQLException: No suitable driver found for jdbc:db2://URL/Database - pom.xml

In my Soapui project I am connecting Db2 for validation Groovy step. This seems to be working. When I run pop.xml with required dependency, its giving the following error: java.sql.SQLException: No ...
Babusr01's user avatar
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Execute SoapUI project with Maven and Jenkins

I am new to Maven and Jenkins. I have automated my web service project with SoapUI (the free version). I need to include my project with DEV builds for continuous integration build. I searched in ...
Babusr01's user avatar
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4 answers

What reasons would companies have to use web testing (Selenium) and API testing (SoapUI) for the same functionality?

Scenario: I want to test a new functionality in the system "login and verification". I assume that developers have done the unit and integration test, and I am just doing a system test Do companies (...
Declamo's user avatar
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API Testing - Test Cases [closed]

I am new to API Testing. Are there any template for test case creation for API testing? Any other advice on how to write a Testcase for API Testing?
Narayan Nale's user avatar
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How to minimize number of connections to DB in SoapUI load tests?

I've been using SoapUI to test WS the next way (common structure of TestCase): Groovy script to generate data (for request compilation & response checking) SOAP Request with assertions Groovy ...
Ivan Gerasimenko's user avatar
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SoapUI - Apply DataSource Loop to two excel sheets

I have a SoapUI script that is designed to compare two service calls. Right now all I have to use is the legacy service (the expected values). I'm calling the legacy system with a datasource to drive ...
Fueled By Coffee's user avatar
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Error while running Test Cases in SoapUI from eclipse

I am getting the below error while invoking my test suite: 12:01:56,498 ERROR [SoapUI] An error occurred [], see error log for ...
Swastik's user avatar
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SoapUI vs Jmeter for webservices

Which one is a better tool to run web service tests? I should have the following flexibility: Parameterize my requests. Integrate with Maven. Better test management.
Swastik's user avatar
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How to access database from SoapUI for test-data generation?

The web-services testing would cover more cases if it is data-driven. So it is better to generate random data (but from the same boundary) for each request. E.g. in test case 1 we check users id ...
Ivan Gerasimenko's user avatar
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SoapUI Groovy Script for date field to always use "last week"

I'm trying to use property as an input for API that requires a date. Since I'm remaking these tests every day, and will probably use them in future again, I want the value to be fluid. I encountered ...
Mortynaut's user avatar
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Start with soap ui [closed]

I want to do API testing in my project. I installed soap ui for api testing. I don't know to get start using soap ui. Can anybody help me to start doing soap ui testing . Is we have to write ...
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How do you send a ZIP file in the request body in SoapUI / ReadyAPI

I want to send a Zip file to an endpoint in the body of a REST request as a binary stream. How can I accomplish this using SoapUI? Simply adding the attachment to the tab does not include it in the ...
ECiurleo's user avatar
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How do you generate an AWS Signature in ReadyAPI/SoapUI

I am trying to perform a GET of an object on S3 storage using ReadyAPI (or SoapUI). Here is the documentation for how it is done In order to make the request I require a "signature" to be generated. ...
ECiurleo's user avatar
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JMeter - issues attempting to generate SOAP Security header using JSR223 PreProcessor

Putting together a SOAP Request in JMeter. My request is valid, as it succeeds in SOAPUI. My issue is getting the request's Security header populated. I'm attempting to generate the security header ...
Jon Foley's user avatar
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Transferring variable values in SoapUI (basic)

I'm firing off a GET request and then using a script assertion to populate a variable: def sValue = responseHolder.getNodeValue("//URL/url/value") I want to store the contents of sValue and use it ...
Dave M's user avatar
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How to assert custom XML response does not return any unwanted tags in SOAPUI?

I wonder if there is a way to assert that XML response does NOT contain any other tags than those expected? I am using plain http requests (no WSDL, schema validation, not SOAP, not REST) and the ...
LadyRoot's user avatar
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SOAPUI and Microsoft test management

We are currently using SOAPUI to test SOAP and Restful API's. We then test our interfaces using Selenium automation tests. Where we are unable to automate or there is no value we test manually. We ...
Tim Mottram's user avatar
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Property transfer in SOAP UI using xpath

I am using SOAP UI open source. In this version we don't have the option to create xpath like in pro version so I created the xpath using different tool and tried to transfer properties in my test ...
Abhinav's user avatar
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