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Questions tagged [sonarqube]

SonarQube (formerly Sonar) is an open source platform for continuous inspection of code quality

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Sonar scanner failer on force language to Kotlin

NFO: Source paths: . INFO: Source encoding: UTF-8, default locale: en_US INFO: ------------------------------------------------------------------------ INFO: EXECUTION FAILURE INFO: -------------------...
ChathuD's user avatar
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Can I deactivate a Sonar Qube rule just for test classes?

I want to apply different SonarQube rules for production and test code. For example: squid : S1192: "String literals should not be duplicated". It is quite reasonable in production but for test code ...
borjab's user avatar
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Sonarqube Integration with External Elastic Search

We have installed sonarqube docker image of 7.9.1 in openshift cluster. Related to the integration of Elastic search we have the below questions. 1. Is it Possible to integrate Sonarqube application ...
gadipudi anusha's user avatar
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Does SonarQube accepts SoapUi test reports?

I have an API Java project with somes development tools : Maven for build Gitlab for CICD SonarQube for unit test code coverage and quality code tests (using sonar-maven-plugin plugin and mvn sonar:...
GGO's user avatar
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What are important rules of static analysis to use in our automated scripts?

I am fan of improving the quality not only of the product I test but also for the test itself. I want to create other customized rules for integrating with sonarqube that does not exist in classic ...
Emna Ayadi's user avatar
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SonarQube: Auto assign issues doesn't work

Currently, I have an integration between GIT, Jenkins and SonarQube as described in this pseudo workflow: commit----> AWS CodeCommit (GIT) <-> Jenkins <-> SonarQube Scanner for Maven &...
Pedro Riffo's user avatar
6 votes
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Can code coverage be used for Java tests that work against a Python code base?

Development stack is in Python (flask) and our automation suite(API) is coded in Java. Can we do code coverage and if Yes, which plugin to use?
Aneesh Goel's user avatar
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Cobertura analysis reporting "[ERROR] SLF4J: Class path contains multiple SLF4J bindings."

Cobertura is reporting that there are multiple SLF4J bindings in the classpath, actually both related to different versions of the logback-classic artifact: [ERROR] SLF4J: Class path contains ...
gvasquez's user avatar
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SonarQube: Close this "PreparedStatement" in a "finally" clause (dealing with false positives)

Every now and then we come across with some Sonarqube reported issues that seem (at least to us) as false positives. For example when using a Spring JdbcTemplate to execute an update: @Autowired ...
gvasquez's user avatar
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Correlating assignees with authors in SonarQube

I'm aware that assignees are the effective SonarQube uses that I've created on the platform, but authors come from SCM commit data. The question I need to solve comes from the fact that I'm seeing ...
gvasquez's user avatar
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Tracking SonarQube users (asignees) issues evolution

Is it possible to get some kind of a report of the evolution in time of issues (gross number) assigned to each user of the system? I'd like to track my team members and evaluate them based on wherever ...
gvasquez's user avatar
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Jenkins: failing builds on warnings

I've been reading the book "Continuous Delivery: Reliable Software Releases through Build, Test, and Deployment Automation (Addison-Wesley Signature Series (Fowler))" And these paragraphs ...
gvasquez's user avatar
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com.sonarsource.A.A.B.A: No license for swift Error on sonar [closed]

I was scanning a swift project on my sonar server.And at the end of the scan I got this error. com.sonarsource.A.A.B.A: No license for swift All the other .Net and Java projects are working fine. ...
ChathuD's user avatar
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Unable to see Settings & Administrator tab on SonarQube dashboard

Environment - Mac I have configured SonarQube earlier, after that various other configuration might removed my admin user or something happen. But today I am not able to access my admin account/user. ...
Narendra Chandratre's user avatar
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Sonarqube Custom rule [closed]

I have a php code to check using sonarqube. I got how to create a new rule. I don't know hot to set rule for the php code. What should I do ?
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34 votes
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How to deactivate a rule in SonarQube?

I want to deactivate a particular rule. I am checking my php code. Eg: This branch's code block is the same as the block for the branch This is the rule I deactivate I go through quality profile-->...
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How to close the bug on sonarqube?

I have some doubts related on sonarqube. Anyone please help me.. First of all I want to know about snoarqube working flow. and I think the important part is quality profile, quality gates and issues ...
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Sonarube custom configuration [closed]

Currently I am checking PHP code. I have found lot of bugs in Replace or with '||'. Add a 'favicon' declaration in this 'header' tag Are there any options to configure or customize what level we ...
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Mutliple users can access sonarqube

I am doing static code analysis. And I using with sonarqube. Currently I am login as a administrator. Is it possible to access mutliple users login? I want to report the code anaysis to my team ...
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Sonar-runner Execution Failure [closed]

Currently, I'm using sonarqube to analyse my code. I am trying my project to run in sonar-runner, but its getting execution failure. I'm running in a dirtectory. Like my project located in cd /var/...
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I want to know working of sonarqube

I install both SonarQube and sonar-runner. And I want to know how to start working. My project uses PHP language. So I want to check the code analysis of my project. But how to get started working? ...
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sonarqube server is not working

I'm doing static code analysis with sonarqube, but installion was failed. when i type on browser http://localhost:9000/sonar. This site can’t be reached localhost refused to connect. ...
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Cobertura integration (for reports) should be integrated in Jenkins or SonarQube? [closed]

I would like to integrate Cobertura in order to have reports for each build but I do not know what is the best place to integrated it. Cobertura integration (for reports) should be integrated in ...
Cris's user avatar
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Validate Quality Cobol code - Jenkins, Sonarqube/SonarLint and Rational/Topaz?

In my work as a tester, I was asked to find a solution to validate the quality of Cobol code. For that I was asked to investigate Jenkins, Sonarqube/SonarLint and Rational/Topaz. Starting point - I ...
Spark Wanted's user avatar
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1 answer

Judge the project rating sonarQube [closed]

I did install sonarQube and performed a project evaluation. The fact is, sonarQube gave me a global note (A) and percentages, like duplication of code %, comment %... My question is, what is a good ...
Orelsanpls's user avatar