Questions tagged [test-automation-framework]

A test automation framework provides a superstructure for automated tests. The superstructure may include APIs, coding practices, ways to structure and run the automated tests.

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Is there a way to check if an external program is running from Katalon Studio?

My application has a print document option that opens the pdf reader. Is there a way to check if the pdf reader is running from Katalon?
Mate Mrše's user avatar
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2 answers

How do I implement Extent Reports in my REST assured API testing framework?

I have recently started rest assured to automate APIs. My current framework folder structure has an ApiTestCases class in a folder under src/test/java. I have a testNG suite xml to run the tests. How ...
Rohan Kalia's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

How to retrieve dynamically all Web elements information from UI Screen using selenium?

Need to retrieve all elements information present in the UI screen. For more clarification i have attached the generic screen From above image i need to retrieve label-name ...
Vel Guru's user avatar
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1 answer

Code to automate a web form in SilkTest tool using VB/.NET Language? [closed]

I am new to Silk test and dont know VB or .NET coding. Please provide a sample code to automate a website/form in VB or .NET?
tester889's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

How do I switch reporting from allure reports to extent reports in an existing automation framework?

I have been handed an existing framework that uses allure reports for reporting purposes. I am not really liking allure reports for primarily a couple of reasons: It displays the results only after ...
Rohan Kalia's user avatar
2 votes
4 answers

How to make automated test for logical output file generation?

I am Microsoft .net developer. I have written an application which imports XML(which contain information about the employer, employee, dependent, benefit plans, cafeteria etc) files into my various ...
M005's user avatar
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1 answer

Selenium Web Page Navigation Bloating Test Case

I am fairly new to automation and am trying to form the basic structure for my company moving forward. I have done some research and am trying to implement POM but am a bit confused over structure and ...
Jonnyboy's user avatar
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1 answer

How do I setup and get started with Appium on Ubuntu? [closed]

I have been recently asked to automate flow on mobile devices but I have no clue about mobile automation. I have tried setting up Appium on my machine but to no avail and I find it very cumbersome and ...
Rohan Kalia's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

What is the typical test automation scenario where decorator Design Pattern can be applied?

What is the typical automation scenario where decorator design pattern can be applied in UI test automation ? Please share your practical experiences with small code examples to help us fellow QA ...
Vishal Aggarwal's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

UI testing tools for Win32 app written in C?

I have a game written in C, and I would like to write UI tests for it. Are there any suitable frameworks for testing UI's written in C? Both the game logic and the UI are written in C.
Krzysztof Kwoka's user avatar
3 votes
4 answers

How to create automation framework for automation of REST APIs?

Currently, I am using JMeter to automate APIs but I have been asked to form a framework that is quicker and convenient to use for everyone in the team and a framework that preferably involves reading ...
Rohan Kalia's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

Automated testing for Windows desktop

I am looking for a free tool to create automated test scripts for a Java-Swing application. I found Sikuli, but it wasn't updated years ago and seems to be an unstable solution. Winium looks obsolete ...
plaidshirt's user avatar
6 votes
5 answers

How does Continuous Integration add value to Automation Testing?

How do I gain the value from CI tools as an Automation Tester? What are the advantages to using such tools and how do they help me and the company in the development process ?
user avatar
0 votes
2 answers

What level of Selenium Webdriver Automation Frameworks are being used by experts in the Software Industry [closed]

I have started learning selenium webdriver using java to increase my skill set as a blackbox tester. I have been practicing a lot about JUnit, Test NG, Page object model etc. However, I am not ...
user avatar
30 votes
8 answers

How to make selenium tests more stable?

I am using selenium tests to perform GUI-based system tests of non-public scientific use cases. Although I have build more-or-less a complete wrapper around the selenium module with functions to ...
Alex's user avatar
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-1 votes
1 answer

java.lang.NullPointerException occured while implementing driver initialization through inheritance

Base class: public class Base { public WebDriver driver ; @BeforeMethod public void initialize() { System.setProperty("", "/Users/apple/eclipse-workspace/Selenium/...
Batu-QA's user avatar
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4 answers

Can we use an automation tool to test the text file created by Java?if yes which one?There is no UI for this project

Can we use an automation tool to test the text file created by Java?if yes which one? The data will be loaded in the oracle DB and then we have to create a text file using that data after applying ...
Ankur's user avatar
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1 answer

Send hotkeys to Silk webdriver

I use Silk Webdriver to make Selenium tests. In my application there are a lot of hotkeys (functions keys and ctrl+key combinations) to make the application easier to use. How can I send those ...
J_rite's user avatar
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1 answer

Appium Automation Test code development - Assertions for all the intermediate pages

I came across a native mobile application testing framework where if suppose user registration involves navigating to 5 screens, then the validation (assertions) for the field labels and properties (...
Rama's user avatar
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1 answer

Clean pom.xml from all not used dependencies

Maybe this question was already posted here. If yes, please attach the link, I couldn't find out the same. I would like to clean my old and not used dependencies from pom.xml, can someone advice me ...
G.Guy's user avatar
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3 answers

Automation Testing approach for Web Based Application

I am automating a website which has multiple modules and involves users of different privileges (say Admin, User Type 1 and User Type 2). I am using Microsoft's Unit Test Tool inbuilt framework with ...
seleniumTester's user avatar
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2 answers

Using Selenium commands in Katalon

How can I use Selenium commands in Katalon Studio? There is a commands reference on Katalon site, but I can't seem to call those from my scripts written in the Katalon script writing tool. https://...
Mate Mrše's user avatar
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-1 votes
2 answers

driver is getting null for utility classes

I'm getting null pointer exception for driver object. Here is the flow: BaseClass initializes the driver (WebDriver driver = new ChromeDriver();) I create a test class and extend it with BaseClass. ...
paul's user avatar
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1 answer

Selenium Webdirver C# Running more than one test class from the test suite

I have created a test framework in VS 2017. The framework is written in the Page Object Pattern. To avoid having one test class and N number of test methods I have decided to split all my tests into ...
Automation_Padawan's user avatar
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Seeking Python test frameworks that support structured test results that include “non failure” data

I am having a hard time finding any test frameworks or plugins for frameworks that support saving "validation data strings" as part of the test results. I find this a little surprising so I am hoping ...
chrismead's user avatar
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7 answers

Version controlling for Test Automation code

Our DevOps team has come up with a concept that I (as a QA automation engineer) do not agree with. They are suggesting that the test automation code should also have versioning that is always ...
Styris's user avatar
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1 answer

Does Robot Framework have more to offer than Cucumber?

I have some experience with Robot Framework + Selenium and am now learning Cucumber, since I noticed it's one of the most widely used frameworks in test automation. However, from what I've seen so far,...
Floella's user avatar
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8 votes
5 answers

What are the tools that we can use to automate, before completion of the development?

I'm kind of new to software automation and I'm doing UI automation by using selenium webdriver. I have heard that there are some tools, that can automate a system before we get the UI of the system ...
ThiliKarunarathne's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

How to write in console the Webelement content

I have following source-code: main.container-fluid:nth-child(5)<main class="container-fluid ng-scope" ng-view=""><div class="row ng-scope"> <section class=&...
XsiSec's user avatar
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3 votes
2 answers

How you decide the right level of function abstraction in Page object model?

I wonder how people take a call in deciding the right level of function abstraction in Page objects, I sometimes find myself either on a very high level like "CreateOrder" or sometimes very low level ...
Vishal Aggarwal's user avatar
2 votes
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What is the best way to do test coverage for the automated tests

I would like to know is there any way for us to find test coverage utilizing any code coverage libraries or something similar. For example, for integration testing, I am using automated solutions. If ...
Sree's user avatar
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3 answers

Is learning Python over Java is preferable in future for automation testing? [duplicate]

Want to be master in please folks help me to achieved it. I know core java basic which I used in automation testing Selenium web-driver (learning phase using it for past 2-3 months). ...
rocky's user avatar
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4 votes
2 answers

GUI Automation testing framework for android games

Is there any test framework which supports android games? I have used UiAutomator2.0 for GUI automation test, but for some games, it is unable to capture screen.
KaKa's user avatar
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0 answers

Technology limitations for web application that scrapes web pages [closed]

I am starting the development of a web platform that provides automated tasks to users, and I have been redirected to this forum after asking the same question in stackoverflow and not being accepted ...
Miguel Mesquita Alfaiate's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Test Automation for a website with over 8000 webpages

I have joined a team recently where I have been asked to implement automation testing for a SiteCore based website with over 8000 webpages. The exact functionality that was expected of me was to ...
Nick's user avatar
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5 votes
1 answer

What are the pitfalls or challenges of converting clickstream/user action logs into test scripts?

We keep having the idea of logging user actions at a detailed enough level to do things like track feature usage, identify common workflow errors, etc. If we had such detailed logging, it seems like ...
c32hedge's user avatar
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Looking for a way to identify tests to deprecate/remove based on code changes [duplicate]

How do companies do this typically? Is there any metadata linkage between test cases and code components covered?
paranoidhb's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

Clean up test cases

How do companies clean up test cases? If I have 5000 tests in my library and 1000 of them are deprecated because we have cleaned up the code associated originally, how do we ensure that the tests are ...
paranoidhb's user avatar
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Did anyone used MUNIT for API integeration testing?

Did anyone use MUNIT for API integration testing? I'm exploring options to build automation suite for API's and among different options, there is not enough information regarding munit. Could someone ...
Ram's user avatar
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2 answers

Test framework for Unix application testing

I'm looking for recommendations on test automation framework for running a suite of command line applications. I'm used to more development unit testing type of frameworks such as xUnit or MSTest ...
doobop's user avatar
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1 answer

Integrating Protractor testing framework into my existing AngularJS app- invalid URL when testing on VM

I recently started working on an application that has been written in AngularJS, and have been tasked with setting up automated testing for the app (all of the testing that has been done as part of ...
Noble-Surfer's user avatar
13 votes
3 answers

API test automation: GUI tool vs programmatic approach?

We have a Rest API written in C# and I need to investigate a good approach to automate the tests. There are 2 ways to automate API tests: GUI tool (e.g. SoapUI) Programmatic approach, using some test ...
Arthur M.'s user avatar
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5 votes
1 answer

Karma/ Jasmine testing framework - tests don't appear to be executed

I am looking to implement the Karma/ Jasmine test suite/ framework for use with my AngularJS app. Having never used a testing framework previously, I have followed the tutorial - to give it a go, ...
Noble-Surfer's user avatar
1 vote
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AngularJS testing frameworks/ libraries for automated testing

I am currently working on some software, for which, the front end is being developed using AngularJS. We would like to incorporate some automated testing into our development lifecycle, so that we ...
Noble-Surfer's user avatar
5 votes
3 answers

What points should be covered in an Automation POC?

Background : We are planning to automate our web application, for that our manager asked for the Proof of Concept (POC). Overview : After studying and analyzing all factors of application, our team ...
NarendraR's user avatar
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Benchmark Video Meta Testing Framework

I’m trying to find a good flow/framework to perform benchmark tests. I have a video transcoder CLI app which get as an input a video and output a video. I need to write a script which will compare ...
Ilan's user avatar
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5 votes
4 answers

How to choose page object design & structure

We had a discussion between several automation engineers on page object design, specifically about how many layers it should have and what are the responsibilities of the layers. I hope you guys could ...
Sarunas Urbelis's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

What is the fastest way to test a website across all browsers and browser versions?

I have made a social media web application and I want to test the compatibility of the web application for the different type of browsers and browser version. I started testing my web application ...
saif sadiq's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

How to call a method from one class to another class when both are TestNG classes

I have 2 TestNG classes which are: ProductCanvas package objectRepo; import java.util.List; import org.openqa.selenium.By; import org.openqa.selenium.WebDriver; import org.openqa.selenium....
Kenzie008's user avatar
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non-static method sendKeys(java.lang.CharSequence...) cannot be referenced from a static context

I am Using IntelliJ Idea 2016.3.4 and JDK 1.8. It has an inspection that claims the following: java: non-static method sendKeys(java.lang.CharSequence...) cannot be referenced from a static context ...
ThiliKarunarathne's user avatar

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