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Is it recommended to use Page object model for cypress E2E test? if not what is the suggested method to adopt

I am new for writing e2e UI test using cypress. But I am uncertain if it's good practice to use page object model, when I repeatedly need to use same elements in different test cases. Does "Aap ...
Maryum Khan's user avatar
-1 votes
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Is there any course available online on designing ui automation framework using Selenium and Java?

Is there any good course available online that explains designing UI automation framework using Selenium and Java, integrating logging, reporting, etc. ? Maybe also talk about some best practices. ...
Sarath's user avatar
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Tool to track the testing pyramid state

Is there any tool for tracking testing pyramid state which visualises each stage of pyramid and where I can track disproportions of that? p.s. I did a quick search and as I can see there are a plenty ...
Orkhan M.'s user avatar
15 votes
4 answers

Test strategy to bring automated tests from UI to lower(API/Unit) layers?

Background/Problem Statement: Recently I came across a project team, which is having thousands of UI automated tests covering all kind of manual tests including positive, negative etc., and obviously ...
Vishal Aggarwal's user avatar
2 votes
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Is there a dancing pony on the screen? (Visual testing)

Motivated by this talk about the accidental unexpected pony dancing on the screen. We currently have a rather rich subset of end-to-end tests for our AngularJS applications. And, we do get a lot of ...
alecxe's user avatar
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