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Questions tagged [ubuntu]

Ubuntu is an open source software operating system that runs from the desktop, to the cloud, to all your internet connected things.

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Selenium latest version is not able to launch FireFox browser in Ubuntu 20.04

I'm trying to automate web tests with Selenium and Java in Ubuntu OS. Earlier versions of Selenium used to work very well with older version of Firefox in Ubuntu. Since I upgraded to Selenium 4+ (...
RonyPatricks's user avatar
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2 answers

Selenium + Java: How to automate custom file upload/attach field?

I'm trying to automate a custom file upload field with SELENIUM and JAVA on UBUNTU. Let's take Yahoo mail as an example. The flow to automate would be to compose an email, attach a file to it and then ...
IAmMilinPatel's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

Unable to run the JMeter test plan on Ubuntu Server getting an error `NonGUIDriver java.lang.IllegalArgumentException`

I am executing the Jmeter test plan on Ubuntu Server but at the end left with an error saying: Error in NonGUIDriver java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Problem loading XML from:'/opt/testScripts/...
Rajan 's user avatar
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How to install Ranorex studio in ubuntu (linux)

Ranorex studio is an automation tool but i can only install in windows how to install in ubuntu
user37371's user avatar
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2 answers

Issue executing Automation with Selenium/Nosetest set ups

having issue just trying to automate for the first time. I have access to repositories by GIT, where its python folders all use Python 2.7 syntax. I also have Google chrome driver as well(Using ...
kay19's user avatar
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How to install Chrome v59 - headless - on Ubuntu? [closed]

I wanted to check out the headless version but I am still on version 58 even after updating my system This could dramatically reduce our test suite run time!
Michael Durrant's user avatar
2 votes
3 answers

How to automate an application on Ubuntu?

I am working in Ubuntu. I want to automate a desktop application. Currently, I have worked with Selenium for automating web application, but Selenium doesn't support desktop applications. I've ...
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I have got an error when installing appium

I am working with appium and installed idea intellij, android sdk, appium. when I run uiautomatorviewer naveen@naveen-Inspiron-3542:~/Music/android-sdk-linux/tools$ uiautomatorviewer ...
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