As far as i know xpath doesn't depends on any browser. Make sure you have created correct xpath it will work. Second : It's depend on your tag which attribute it has and how efficient you are in xpath. For example this is the simple hyperlink: <a href="" name="hotnetwork" class="js-gps-track">Hot Network Questions</a> So here i can create the xpath to locate the same in different ways like : //a[@name='hotnetwork'] OR //a[@class='js-gps-track'] OR combine both attribute for uniqueness like : //a[@name='hotnetwork'][@class='js-gps-track'] OR if you want to access the link using its text then you can use `contains()` method //a[contains(text(),'Hot Network')] Note : It will locate the element based on match found with your given string (Hot Network) OR you can use `text()` method like : //a[text()=' Hot Network Questions'] While using `text()` method you have to pass the full link text including spaces else it won't work.