I have a number of automated tests to date, I am accessing a login page currently 22 times with an average load time of 7s 088ms, this results in 2m 35s 937ms on this step when the remainder of my suite takes around 7minutes total.
How do I go about minimising this time with selenium, is there anything I can do with my browser capabilities/options/cache etc. I would ideally like this page loading a fair bit faster.
I am finished automating a feature and I am refactoring everything to do with it in aid of performance, best practice and effeciency.
Thank you, code wise I'm not sure if theres anything worth changing?
public static void navigateToLogin() {
String CustomerURL= TestRunner.config.get("customerIP");
I think the loading of the actual page is just slow, so waiting for my element here won't help as it just waits for the page to be loaded.