i am stuck with jasmine I read/youtubed/googled but seems like i am on the wrong track... Here is what i have so far:
i used protractor --elementExplorer to pull items from
> element.all(by.css('.nav-link')).getText()
Here is my test
import { ElementFinder, browser, by, element } from 'protractor';
describe('angulario homepage verify list', function () { //Suite in Jasmine
it('should check top 5 link buttons', function () { // Test in Jasmine
browser.get('https://angular.io'); // Entering application url in browser
element.all(by.css('.nav-link')).getText()); {
//expect statement goes here
i am trying to ensure 5 links on the center top are present and it appears the elementExplorer return an Array... How do i use it to create my locator and expect statements?