i am stuck with jasmine and need help. I read/youtubed/googled but seems like i am on the wrong track... I am learning protractor to automate angular pages written with typescript. in the 1st example, I used angularjs page to pull few things and they seem to be passing. I am trying 2nd example to pull items from angular.io page and i am not sure... anything i try fails. Here is what i have so far: i used protracto --elementExplorer to pull items from http://www.angular.io > element(by.css('.nav-link')).getText() [20:31:44] W/element - more than one element found for locator By(css selector, .nav-link) - the first result will be used 5 center links > element.all(by.css('.nav-link')).getText() [ '', 'FEATURES', 'DOCS', 'RESOURCES', 'EVENTS', 'BLOG' ] search textbox <input aria-label="search" placeholder="Search" type="search"> > element(by.tagName("input")).getText().click().clear().sendKeys("tutorial") null > > element.all(by.css(".button.hero-cta")).getText() [ 'GET STARTED' ] > element(by.css(".button")).getText() [20:45:35] W/element - more than one element found for locator By(css selector,.button) - the first result will be used GET STARTED > element.all(by.css(".button")).getText() [ 'GET STARTED', 'LEARN MORE' ] links on bottom footer blocks > element.all(by.css(".footer-block")).getText() [ 'RESOURCES\nAbout\nResource Listing\nPress Kit\nBlog', 'HELP\nStack Overflow\nGitter\nReport Issues\nCode of Conduct', 'COMMUNITY\nEvents\nMeetups\nTwitter\nGitHub\nContribute', 'LANGUAGES\n???' ] > firstSpec.ts works fine for angularjs page i added secondspec.ts below import { ElementFinder, browser, by, element } from 'protractor'; describe('angulario homepage verify list', function () { //Suite in Jasmine it('should check top 5 link buttons', function () { // Test in Jasmine browser.get('https://angular.io'); // Entering application url in browser element.all(by.css('.nav-link')).getText()); { //expect statement goes here }); }); }); i am trying to ensure 5 links on the center top are present and get the names with count of 5... It seems so trivial when watching videos, but when i try to implement it, nothing works. Thanks