Yes in the current scenario we have so many disposable email service providers available in the market. they provide the free public and private inbox for a temporary email address. recently I found some very good disposable email service providers and one of them is

<!-- language: lang-java -->
    import org.apcahe.commons.lang3.RandomStringUtils;
    public class mail7{
        private static final String EMAIL-DOMAIN = ‘’;
        private static final String EMAIL_APIKEY = ‘mail7_api_key’;
        private static final String EMAIL_APISecret = ‘mail7_api_secret’;
        private String emailid;
        public usernameGenerator(){
        String username = RandomStringUtils.randomAlphanumeric(8).toLowerCase();
        System.out. println(“Random Username is ” + username);
        return username;
    public getInbox(String username){
        HttpResponse <String> httpResponse = Unirest.get(“"" + EMAIL_APIKEY + "&apisecret=" + EMAIL_APISecret + "&to=" + username”)
        System.out.println( httpResponse.getHeaders().get("Content-Type"));
        return httpResponse.getBody();

Please refer to this doc: [Registration and Login automation using selenium with a disposable email]( to get a better idea and solution for your problem.