According to the `WebKit` documentation for `Safari 10`: > "When running a WebDriver test in Safari, test execution is confined > to special Automation windows that are isolated from normal browsing > windows, user settings, and preferences. Automation windows are easy > to recognize by their orange Smart Search field." In that version of the browser I was able to run automation for `Safari` without the 'glass pane' by doing: var webdriver = require('selenium-webdriver'), safari = require('selenium-webdriver/safari'); driver = new webdriver.Builder() .forBrowser('safari') .usingServer('http://localhost:4444/wd/hub') // this previous avoided the glass pane .build(); I believe that the reason this worked was because starting the `Webdriver` and using the `Selenium` standalone server hub and `SafariDriver` extension allowed this for remote automation as part of `Selenium Grid`. It no longer seems to work in `Safari 11`. The statement in the documentation: > "The automaticInspection capability will preload the Web Inspector and > JavaScript debugger in the background; to pause test execution and > bring up Web Inspector’s Debugger tab, you can simply evaluate a > debugger; statement in the test page." Would be useful but I take that to mean that I need to add debugging statements to the source code, which is not something QA is empowered to do in my situation. Is there a way to use `Selenium` to automate testing in `Safari 11` without the 'glass pane' AT ALL? Any reading I might need to do is welcomed; there are far too many problems that I am encountering when running in glass pane to make fixing each of those an efficient way forward.