I'm also a firm believer in the idea of developers peer review. Since adopting this methodology at my place of work the quality of work has significantly increased. The new set of eyes provided by peer review are frequently finding more efficient ways to write code or picking up errors that would have otherwise been missed.

This said there is always the matter of available resources / size of the project; a small team might not be able to effectively peer review all new features while simultaneously sustaining their regular work flow.

Additionally as obvious as this sounds I would encourage you to clearly inform your testers of all changes that you make to your code (no matter how small). There have been countless times when new features have been implemented but because the relevant work items were never updated with specific enough details I never knew the new feature existed; until I stumbled across it by accident during exploratory testing that is.

This is even more important if your testers have a large amount of automated tests (as the smallest change can cause these tests to begin to fail).