> Should we replicate the business logic in tests?


Ideally once the software has done, what is supposed to be tested, *a test should just assert the actual state with the expected pre-determined state of the SUT.*  

> As far as calculating pre-determined expected state is concerned ,a
> test's primary objective is to 'Verify' an expected state , not to 
> 'Replicate' it.

In our team it is directly hard - coded in tests, copied over from Use Stories as captured in BDD( Cucumber) format as an example scenario with data which act as a communication tool between Business Analyst, Developer & tester.

But NO behind the scene operations in between the test like DB manipulations/ API calls except test data setups/cleanups before & after the test. No re-calculations of business logic inside tests. A big NO.

> If we do that then we need tests for these tests also ,as then they are
> no longer tests anymore as they themselves implementing the
> functionality same as the application code.