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Used for questions about using Selenium WebDriver, a browser automation framework frequently used to automate testing in a browser.
Is it possible to automate tests for in progress sprint
Yes it is possible (as saying goes "it is a matter of simple programming", which is a joke btw) but if changes are expected could be huge waste of time. Manual testing is better fit.
Manual/explorati …
Selenium for Parasoft SOATest jython script
I see no answers and few views, so I will try to help. I use Python (not Jython) and never heard of Parasoft, so it will be just a more generic guidance. :-)
I assume importing selenium would be like …
Python Selenium Webdriver Help
I haven't tried it but my guess would be to get list of all "a" elements (find by tag) or all elements by class ("vote_link vote"), then loop over them, get the on_click property, and look for your nu …
How to apply the "Small, Atomic, Autonomus" rule into complex project
"Small, atomic, autonomous" is better fit for unit test, not for UI/End-to-end tests like you are writing.
Of course you should try to make your test to be small and autonomous. But very often you c …
Preferred Automation for an application in Python
Yes you can (test Python app with Java), but I don't see a reason why anyone would want to. I am saying it as a developer who used both Java and Python (IOW I am not arguing from ignorance).
The onl …
Any free services like SauceLabs Cloud where i can run my selenium code on different browser...
There ain't no such thing as a free lunch also known as TANSTAAFL.
Somebody needs to pay for the servers and salaries for people managing them. For all "free" services you use (gmail, facebook, etc), …
How to avoid triggering google captcha while browsing in a selenium-driven browser?
CAPTCHA is added to a website to prevent programs like yours use the website.
It is by design that you cannot bypass it (unless website developers provide you for a way to bypass it). As you found ou …
How to make Selenium Tests for touchscreens
Shahid's answer mentions new actions.
Hard part is how to make the conversion of existing tests as painless as possible, preferably automatic, and able to run on both types of devices from single co …
Will a app behave differently in Ubuntu + chrome vs Windows 10+ chroms
Re ensure - how much uncertainty you are willing to handle, and what is the cost of failure (running on ubuntu but failing on Win10)?
If it runs on ubuntu, you have a reasonable chance it will run on …
Mouse hover Action - Unable to click hidden link
If link is not visible, wait.until(ExpectedConditions.visibilityOf(lnk)); will time out. Wait cannot succeed if link is hidden.
In general, Selenium does only what user could do. If user cannot click …
The element is not clicked if the element is not visible on the screen even if it is displayed
See display vs visibility in CSS
Displayed element might be rendered (taking space on the page) but invisible (hidden)
Selenium not deleting profiles created under Temp folder on CentOS
I do not think that selenium should be concerned about cleaning temporary files - especially files which might be needed for post-mortem analysis.
Much simpler solution is to have a cron job deleting …
Selenium explicit waits not working for the Edge webdriver
One known problem might be mixing implicit and explicit waits. Experts suggest using explicit wait only.
Another problem might be locating by XPATH. So many people complain about selenium not working …
How to click on elements which "Displayed = False"
If element is not displayed, user would not be able to interact with it, so your test (which should emulate what user would do) shod not be able to do anything with it either.
IOW it is not a bug, it …
Handling hidden elements in Selenium
Hidden elements are hard to handle: QA script can detect its presence but not more - because user cannot interact with such element either. So presence of a hidden element can signify some status/tran …