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7 votes

Appium server GUI returned error "No route found for /session" & Appium inspector "Failed to create session. The requested resource could not be found

Working tweek : In, Appium inspector just add /wd/hub under field Remote Path Check it will start working now
Narendra Chandratre's user avatar
6 votes

Can appium be run on windows to test iOS app?

No, you can not do that, please refer to this link: You can not test iOS app on Windows LIMITATIONS If you are running Appium on Windows, you can use the Appium.exe client, which will allow you to ...
Yu Zhang's user avatar
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6 votes

Why does element.displayed? throws exception instead of boolean false?

$driver.find_element(:xpath,element2) Above, you are trying to find an element. .displayed? Now you are trying to check the state in a element. The exception is thrown by the first computation; ...
João Farias's user avatar
6 votes

What is the difference between selenium vs appium webdriver?

Both Selenium and Appium implement WebDriver - W3C standard protocol for browser automation (Selenium was first and is basis for coming standard). IOW your selenium webdriver scripts should be able to ...
Peter M. - stands for Monica's user avatar
4 votes

Selenium/Appium + Java : What is the real difference between methods .isDisplayed() and .isEnabled()?

The methods .isDisplayed() and .isEnabled() have nothing in common. Method .isDisplayed() : An element is considered displayed when it is perceptually visible to the human eye.
Florent B.'s user avatar
4 votes

What are my options in testing iOS devices, for free?

Create an appleID: Check here and use free provisioning: Which states that Free provisioning allows developers to deploy their Xamarin.iOS application to their iOS device without being part of any ...
Michael Durrant's user avatar
4 votes

What is the difference between selenium vs appium webdriver?

Selenium Webdriver - Support mobile web applications only WebDriver has become the de facto standard for automating web browsers, and is a W3C Working Draft. Appium Webdriver - Support native and ...
Narendra Chandratre's user avatar
4 votes

What is the difference between selenium vs appium webdriver?

Selenium Webdriver-Selenium is a automation tool, its used for web applications testing. its open sources tool were in you can download and start using. Appium - Appium is also a automation tool, ...
Rahul's user avatar
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4 votes

Is there any courses or tutorials for Appium Automation?

Here are some reference links where you can learn Appium from Basics, required steps in installation, Working with Android native devices & iOS devices. Toolsqa Guru99 Appium_for_Android_and_iOS ...
Bharat Mane's user avatar
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4 votes

I'm getting so many errors when updating the Appium dotnet driver, is there any way to fix them?

If you look at the Appium Dotnet Driver changelog ( you can see the 4.x version is nearly 2 years in beta. It contains a lot of breaking changes,...
Niels van Reijmersdal's user avatar
4 votes

Run appium scripts without using Eclipse or any IDE

Convert your project to Maven project and use the surefire plugin. Inside the plugin mention the testng.xml file as the test suite. Now you can run your scripts in any environment using below commands....
PDHide's user avatar
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4 votes

appium-doctor --android returns error AppiumDoctor ✖ android could NOT be found in /Library/Android/sdk! on macOS

This answer helped me to resolve the error - android could NOT be found in /Users/{user_name}/Library/Android/sdk! Sharing a screenshot for helping the community
user54156's user avatar
3 votes

Will android 5.0.1 sdk package work for android 5.0.4?

I think you have asked wrong information. While automating Mobile browsers/applications we will use appium & this will work for ANDROID with above API-17 level. It means you must have Android ...
Bharat Mane's user avatar
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3 votes

How can I switch ON/OFF AIRPLANE mode and wifi using Appium?

This helper method will help you to turn on the wifi while your test case is still running: static AppiumDriver driver; public static void wifiOff() throws InterruptedException { ...
Subhist Subedar's user avatar
3 votes

Difference between calabash and appium

Few differences between Appium and Calabash Appium support Many Languages Java, C#, Ruby, Python, JavaScript, But Calabash supports only is Ruby. Calabash has two projects running in parallel: ...
Anand's user avatar
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3 votes

Why does element.displayed? throws exception instead of boolean false?

You are checking that an element that doesn't exist is displayed. Elements must exist if they are displayed so you are failing before you get to the .display? For the findElement part, you need to ...
K-8's user avatar
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3 votes

What are "-windows uiautomation" selectors?

UI Automation (often refered to as UIA) relates to a set of interfaces designed to allow one programs to interact with or to control another via the screen, keyboard and mouse. The intention is to ...
AdrianHHH's user avatar
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3 votes

Windows automation testing to check whether the scores are matching or not

Appium has the ability to automate Windows PC Desktop apps. This driver relies on a project from Microsoft called WinAppDriver, which is an Appium-compatible WebDriver server for Windows Desktop apps (...
Brian McCarthy's user avatar
3 votes

When do we use appium touch action and when do we use selenium touchactions?

The answer to this question is pretty simple, Selenium is used for Browser automation whereas Appium is used for Mobile app automation. Obviously, we can combine both of these frameworks too. So, it ...
Dhairya's user avatar
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3 votes

Unable to launch uiautomatorviewer in mac os high sierra

The issue seems to be with the JDK version you have installed. From your Mac: Install JDK 8. After installing it, update the JAVA_HOME with your JDK version: JAVA_HOME=/Library/Java/...
TacoBytes's user avatar
3 votes

Selenium TestNG - java.lang.NullPointerException in automation testing

In the test you use a property driver which has not been instantiated, because you create the driver into local a variable called Driver. See the case-difference? The class property driver has a ...
Niels van Reijmersdal's user avatar
2 votes

how to do a Testing on an Already Installed Android application using Appium + Selenium ?

TO know the activity name and package name of any apps simply download a apkinfo apps from playstore and get the imformation about the apk. and set to the capabilities and run your apps.
Dhirendra singh's user avatar
2 votes

Appium vs Espresso for Android Automated Testing

When running the mobile automated tests via espresso it runs more faster than appium. Also we don't need to give the implicit and explicit waits separately. Espresso can handle the wait time on ...
Prasanna venkatesh's user avatar
2 votes

Using boolean to select gender on a form

I'd say that you should use an enum. Gender is enumerable, so it makes sense to model it as that (indeed, anything which is a radio button strikes me as enumerable). Something like the below would ...
burythehammer's user avatar
2 votes

I got error when running appium script in eclipse

Solution - This is error occur when you are executing script but there is not default tests are available by default You have not mentioned your environment but still I am getting strong feeling if ...
Narendra Chandratre's user avatar
2 votes

Android ADB error for Appium

Your environment variable is configured wrongly. Set the ANDROID_HOME environment variable to C:\Users\Laksitha\AppData\Local\Android\android-sdk instead of C:\Users\Laksitha\AppData\Local\...
Keshav's user avatar
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2 votes

Access Android application via Appium in the middle of Ranorex test suit

Yes you can, First you need to start Appium session with override flag + New command Timeout as much as possible. Execute the suite using Ranorex test suite, in the middle of the session, perform ...
Keshav's user avatar
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2 votes

Select an element in Appium

Select the Linear layout 1st. Then using <iList> iWebElement get all the elemants which have id name as Normal_view After that you will be getting a list of items of Text Views. Then access ...
ChathuD's user avatar
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2 votes

Running Appium test on a MAC with c#

Maybe you can make it working with Xamarin or the new Visual Studio for Mac (which is in Beta). Here is a blog about Selenium with C# on a Mac with Xamarin:
Niels van Reijmersdal's user avatar
2 votes

Appium is get an error "unable to create new remote session"

Seems like session between client and server is failing to get initiated. I noticed that URL you use for Appium server is "". This could be an issue, since as I understood ...
Al Kan's user avatar
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