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Geckodriver: How to use "moz:firefoxOptions" on node.config for selenium grid

Unfortunatelly I found only workaround solution (e.g. if you need several different Firefox versions on a single station): nodeConfig_1.json { "capabilities": [ { "browserName": "firefox"...
Darken Raven's user avatar
3 votes

What to do if Relative Xpath is keep on changing

Xpath keeps changing? You can try using other ways to uniquely identify an element, for example, CSS selector. Unlike Xpath, which focuses on navigation, CSS selector focuses on element attributes. ...
Yu Zhang's user avatar
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Need to work on Chrome and IE concurrently in Selenium; Any possible workaround?

In your code you should instantiate two drivers. One instance for Chrome and the second one for IE. Now you can operate with both the browsers. Below is the example in Java: public static void main(...
Alexey R.'s user avatar
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How to make AutoIt script identify browse window when run in remote machine with Selenium grid?

I assume that the remote machine is locked, and thus AutoIT can not work. It works on your desktop because it is not locked. Solution: Keep the desktop unlocked (no screensaver etc). Of course, this ...
stevenz's user avatar
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Unable to take screenshots on RemoteWebDriver - running tests thru Selenium Grid

SceenShotImageFormat was a relatively recent change in Selenium for .Net core, can you try with ImageFormat if you're not using .Net core and if that works I would recommend upgrading your entire ...
Paul Muir's user avatar
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Unable to run remote tests using Selenium Grid Chrome in MAC OS

Be sure that you have enabled automated test runs for Safari: Ensure that the Develop menu is available. It can be turned on by opening Safari preferences (Safari > Preferences in the menu bar), ...
kirbycope's user avatar
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How can I run the same scripts in three different environments

Here is the general description of what you should do: Set up SeleniumGrid hub Set up nodes within different environments you would like to run your tests Isolate your test code within a separate ...
Alexey R.'s user avatar
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What to do if Relative Xpath is keep on changing

Selectors like Xpath and CSS also support parent child relations. You need to find a element in the tree that you can certainly find. From there you can go the N-th child and on and on. In your case ...
Niels van Reijmersdal's user avatar
2 votes

How to view Description column in Gridview Microsoft test manager

I don't see the "Description" named column under Column Options via List View or Grid View. If the column is not listed under Column Options > Available Columns, then the column name does not exist ...
Brian McCarthy's user avatar
1 vote

Running test suite setup once in every node of Selenium Grid

Try using [SetUp] attribute for your UI configuration method. This will ensure that the UI configuration is executed for every test. Hope this helps
VSD's user avatar
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How to record HTTP traffic in Selenium Grid?

This is the suitable tool for your problem - BrowserMobProxy. With this, you could capture the traffic as a Har file. You could also block and bypass any request after analyzing the response to ...
Vishal's user avatar
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Selenium: how to move physical mouse pointer outside the browser window

Selenium only works with a browser-driver. So you cannot move outside the working area, i.e. your browser. You can use java method Actions to perform similar kind of tasks. If you have the coordinate ...
Dave's user avatar
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How to handle file upload through windows form when using selenium grid?

Maybe this will help someone In my case, there was file upload form, thats hidden. So after making it visible (in this case, change class), its possible to use SendKeys and send file path to that ...
George's user avatar
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How to write good test cases for filters in Grid?

As per my understanding It is look like some charts or report related application page. Try with following approach : 1. Make BVT / Smoke scenarios : First determine the smoke scenarios (which ...
Sagar007's user avatar
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Alternative to Selenium Grid Console?

There is an alternative to Selenium Grid itself compatible with WebDriver protocol (so don't need to change tests). It consists of two pieces: Selenoid - a lightweight Selenium server replacement ...
vania-pooh's user avatar

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