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4 votes

Automatically testing for typical edge cases?

You can refer to the Big List of Naughty Strings to supply data for these scenarios. The list itself is in this file.
João Farias's user avatar
4 votes

Password field testing, few questions

If you don't have specific requirements you should design test cases based on best practices, best user experience and security. It's not a bug, because it does not behave differently from ...
mdymek's user avatar
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3 votes

Is it possible to do Functional Testing w/ JMeter - Invalid input test and required field input test?

You cannot test frontend using JMeter mainly due to its main constraint, as per JMeter project main page: JMeter is not a browser, it works at protocol level. As far as web-services and remote ...
Dmitri T's user avatar
  • 13.5k
2 votes

Password field testing, few questions

Since you don't have guidelines, you would have trouble justifying the behavior of the password field as a bug. That said, I'd suggest you raise a bug and classify it as a security flaw. You can cite ...
Kate Paulk's user avatar
  • 31.5k
2 votes

Highlighting text in Selenium

Did you try: elem.sendKeys(Keys.CONTROL,"a"); Output And about your code: It is failing because you are passing WebElement password = driver.findElement("passwd-login")); highlight1(...
PDHide's user avatar
  • 11.1k
2 votes

Highlighting text in Selenium

Use the below function public static void highlight(WebDriver driver,WebElement element) { JavascriptExecutor js = (JavascriptExecutor) driver; js.executeScript("arguments[0]....
Mohamed Sulaimaan Sheriff's user avatar
1 vote

Text field manual testing

If I only enter special character in that field or only digits in that field will this be considered a negative test case? And the test won't pass? No, this is not a "negative test." As you ...
Lee Jensen's user avatar
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1 vote

Should username/login ID be case-sensitive?

Depends on the use case. However, if public usernames allow case, you can have someone impersonate a well-known user by just capitalizing one or more letters. The username 'president' look like '...
Joshua Dance's user avatar
1 vote

Should username/login ID be case-sensitive?

From a UX perspective usernames should NEVER be case sensitive. The marginal gains against brute force attacks do not offset the added UX complexity to the point where a developer cannot QA against ...
Synergist's user avatar

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