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128 votes

Is asking about "The most interesting bug in your career" a good interview question?

I would push back hard on this question. An interview question is a machine designed to extract a signal from a candidate. Let's examine the parts of this machine. "The most" has already been ...
Eric Lippert's user avatar
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83 votes

While hiring can I ask a QA candidate to find bugs on this game as an interview homework

This may be culture-specific, but from my point of view, you’re asking for someone to work for free. The interview should be the interview; you don’t ask someone to do more work after the interview. ...
Kevin McKenzie's user avatar
40 votes

While hiring can I ask a QA candidate to find bugs on this game as an interview homework

IMO, your interview process shows that your company doesn't really understand QA to begin with. QA has specific goals. It isn't "sit here with our software for x hours and figure things out". It ...
Nelson's user avatar
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40 votes

Interview question on doing a production release with a bug

as a QA responsible person should I reject the release or send the release to marketing team with known bug Neither one. You should let all people involved know that there is such and such bug. You ...
pavelsaman's user avatar
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36 votes

What if the software is so buggy it can't really be tested at all?

Continue testing in this situation would be counter-productive and may lead to a "deadlock" - when the reported issues would depend on each other recursively. make sure the management is aware of the ...
alecxe's user avatar
  • 11.4k
32 votes

While hiring can I ask a QA candidate to find bugs on this game as an interview homework

You know, the funny thing is, this almost became a good interview tool. If I walked in to a QA interview, and the interviewer said, "By the way, when you're done, we'd like you to bug-hunt our ...
Kevin's user avatar
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29 votes

Why are automation testers interviewed the same way as developers?

I have had about 4 QA automation jobs, about 10 interviews, and was on the other side of the interview table about 10 times. QA Automation involves writing automated testing projects. These are ...
DtotheK's user avatar
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26 votes

Is asking about "The most interesting bug in your career" a good interview question?

To be honest, I wouldn't be able to come up with any defect in particular. If I were you, I'd rephrase my questions as situations, for example: What actions would you take if you had to reopen a ...
FDM's user avatar
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15 votes

Is asking about "The most interesting bug in your career" a good interview question?

I am terrible at recalling names, places, restaurants, and... bugs I have investigated. I usually ask my girlfriend or my friend to give me a name of a place we have been together or an actress in a ...
dzieciou's user avatar
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15 votes

When can a QA tester start their job?

Answering your particular question "Is it possible?" I would say "Yes, it is.". There are many aspects that could impact how active QA could be involved on the prior phases. For example: Is that an ...
Alexey R.'s user avatar
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13 votes

What can be done if requirements are changing continuously in Agile?

From my experience - Faster feedback and more testing (in the form of automated tests ideally). If behaviour doesn't change but code is refactored often, then behaviour of system should be covered by ...
George's user avatar
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13 votes

Interview question on doing a production release with a bug

It depends, mainly on the risks. I might consider creating a taskforce to decide the go-no-go situation. Some example risks: Technical risks: Can we restore the issue later? Can the defect destroy ...
Niels van Reijmersdal's user avatar
12 votes

What if the software is so buggy it can't really be tested at all?

Ideally, suspend the testing. And it's time to refer the Test Plan document. This is the time when one should look at the Testing suspension and resumption criteria section in the Test Plan document. ...
Aalok's user avatar
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12 votes

How to answer interview question “You find a major bug, but no developers are present. What do you do?"

As others have said, there is no single correct answer. The interviewers are probably looking to see how you would handle a stress situation with a tight deadline. Risk/Impact - This might be a major ...
Kate Paulk's user avatar
  • 31.5k
12 votes

While hiring can I ask a QA candidate to find bugs on this game as an interview homework

And as a homework we have asked to test the game and find critical bugs No. No, no, no. It is not your place to give "homework" from a job interview, least of all "homework" that involves doing ...
Lightness Races in Orbit's user avatar
12 votes

Preparation for Interviews

There are many factors that come up when interviewing someone, the main things an interviewer would be looking for would depend on many factors like the role, experience, team size, Job description ...
PDHide's user avatar
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11 votes

Is asking about "The most interesting bug in your career" a good interview question?

I was asked a question like this at my last interview, and it took me a bit of time to think back and come up with a good answer. This was partly due to a dearth of experience - at that time I had ...
VanderLinden's user avatar
11 votes

What type of tests you should do first?

Naturally, it depends. What types of testing you will do first? If you will be working with this product for a long time, you probably will want to focus on understanding its functions. The goal ...
João Farias's user avatar
11 votes

Interview question on doing a production release with a bug

Neither. The correct answer here is to properly inform everyone who has a stake (so the marketing team and the developers who are working on the fix, and probably the QA members who discovered the bug ...
Austin Hemmelgarn's user avatar
10 votes

User Story vs Test Scenario

A user story describes a piece of functionality from the perspective of a user. A classic example is: As a registered customer, I need to see a list of my orders so I can manage my purchasing. A ...
Kate Paulk's user avatar
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10 votes

Is asking about "The most interesting bug in your career" a good interview question?

I would say such a question might spotlight how deep the candidate understands the technologies, analyze the root-causes and is able to troubleshoot issues. As per my experience I can remember ...
Alexey R.'s user avatar
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10 votes

Is asking about "The most interesting bug in your career" a good interview question?

I don't know if I'm just too literal, but when I get asked these sort of questions, I get hung up on the word "most". It's not too hard to come with a bug, but making sure that I've never seen any ...
Acccumulation's user avatar
10 votes

While hiring can I ask a QA candidate to find bugs on this game as an interview homework

I think it's a good practice to give some demo Game & ask the tester to find some bugs in the game it helps to figure out these basic qualities of the candidate like. Judgement Capability ...
Nitin Rastogi's user avatar
10 votes

What type of tests you should do first?

As mentioned in other comments the first step involved would be to analyze the product and the requirement, once you understand what the product is expected to do and the scope of testing, the process ...
PDHide's user avatar
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9 votes

What can be done if requirements are changing continuously in Agile?

Before answering this question, I would like to explain Why requirements are changing continuously in any Development Cycles: People change their minds for many reasons and do so on a regular ...
Michael Roy's user avatar
9 votes

Is asking about "The most interesting bug in your career" a good interview question?

I think it's an excellent question. I think it's likely to help you understand: (a) what kind of technical challenges the interviewee is accustomed to dealing with. (Do they choose a programming ...
Michael Kay's user avatar
8 votes

What to do when defect is found in production but not during the QA phase?

The process we follow where I work when a defect is reported in production might give you some perspective: Reproduce the problem. If possible, we try to reproduce on production. Failing that, we'll ...
Kate Paulk's user avatar
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8 votes

What if the software is so buggy it can't really be tested at all?

What are the other steps which we have to follow as a QA if the software is so buggy? This question reminded me of an interview question: During one software security interview, one candidate was ...
Yu Zhang's user avatar
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8 votes

Detecting observation skills during an interview

Great Question As per my experience, it's very difficult to get a right employee who has very good judgment, sharp focus, attention & great observation skills. Earlier it was very difficult to ...
Nitin Rastogi's user avatar
7 votes

What if the software is so buggy it can't really be tested at all?

If you are a developer... Refactor code every time you touch it. Know the application's behavior before refactoring. Refactor as if you have to write unit tests (if you know how to write testable ...
vendettamit's user avatar

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