While hiring can I ask a QA candidate to find bugs on this game as an interview homework
This may be culture-specific, but from my point of view, you’re asking for someone to work for free. The interview should be the interview; you don’t ask someone to do more work after the interview. ...
While hiring can I ask a QA candidate to find bugs on this game as an interview homework
IMO, your interview process shows that your company doesn't really understand QA to begin with.
QA has specific goals. It isn't "sit here with our software for x hours and figure things out". It ...
While hiring can I ask a QA candidate to find bugs on this game as an interview homework
You know, the funny thing is, this almost became a good interview tool.
If I walked in to a QA interview, and the interviewer said, "By the way, when you're done, we'd like you to bug-hunt our ...
Mobile automation: Boss wants 100% coverage. How feasible is that?
Your boss doesn't want a flat "No" or to hear their request is impractical.
They want to reduce the risk of releasing changes to the application.
Make your boss choose your priorities, that is one ...
Mobile automation: Boss wants 100% coverage. How feasible is that?
John Ruberto wrote an article some years ago on Stickyminds entitled, "Is 100% Unit Test Coverage Enough?". The article can be found here:
While hiring can I ask a QA candidate to find bugs on this game as an interview homework
And as a homework we have asked to test the game and find critical bugs
No, no, no.
It is not your place to give "homework" from a job interview, least of all "homework" that involves doing ...
While hiring can I ask a QA candidate to find bugs on this game as an interview homework
I think it's a good practice to give some demo Game & ask the tester to find some bugs in the game it helps to figure out these basic qualities of the candidate like.
Judgement Capability
Mobile automation: Boss wants 100% coverage. How feasible is that?
It's always good to use numbers to make your point-
There are N models and sub models of iPhones (for some applications you should also count the phone's network sub-type), each with M available iOS ...
While hiring can I ask a QA candidate to find bugs on this game as an interview homework
I think it works better if you use an application that you know has issues as that helps you see if people find the deep issues or only the shallow ones.
I for instance use applications that I got ...
How do I continuously stream Logcat data from a usb connected device to a file on PC until I decide to disconnect or stop testing?
adb logcat -v long time > C:\Users\username\folder\logcat.log
While hiring can I ask a QA candidate to find bugs on this game as an interview homework
2 candidates is a small sample pool to go on as already mentioned. Another thing to consider (which I never did before until it was pointed out to me) was:
Do you let the candidate know in advance ...
Mobile automation: Boss wants 100% coverage. How feasible is that?
I've spent a fair bit of time working on safety-related software. People die if the software fails, kind of safety.
The first thing to note is that we had 100% test coverage of requirements. However ...
How can I switch ON/OFF AIRPLANE mode and wifi using Appium?
This helper method will help you to turn on the wifi while your test case is still running:
static AppiumDriver driver;
public static void wifiOff() throws InterruptedException {
Where to find Beta-Testers
There are at least two solutions for this kind of situation:
Free solution:
Websites such as Betabound.
They collect and organize a wide variety of beta testing opportunities from all over the ...
How to report screen resolution of mobile phone for devs to replicate using 'mobile view'?
Your LG G4 phone has a "Retina" or "High-DPI" display, so it has many more pixels per inch than a desktop monitor.
In Chrome's "Mobile View" you can specify the "Device pixel ratio" as well as the ...
How to report screen resolution of mobile phone for devs to replicate using 'mobile view'?
TL;DR: The best way to get the viewport size is to surf to a viewport-size-reporter on the actual device and use those values.
With mobile website and responsive design the viewport is not the same ...
What is the difference among App CPU, System CPU and User CPU
These terms are probably used to mean the following:
System CPU - the percentage of CPU capacity the entire system is using.
User CPU - the percentage of CPU capacity the current user is using. This ...
While hiring can I ask a QA candidate to find bugs on this game as an interview homework
Your practice is great, many companies do not do it.
When doing exploratory tests, one should take notes so he can map what he is seeing and what he want to explore further and get clarifications ...
How do we perform installation testing of a native Android app on different devices
There are several apps that support testing such as:
AWS Device Farm
Xamarin Test Cloud
Perfecto mobile
Test Object
Bugsnag has modules to test mobile applications in ...
Mobile App performance and load testing
You can use a load testing tool like Apache JMeter to simulate hundreds or thousands of users concurrently using your application.
You can use JMeter's HTTP(S) Test Script Recorder to capture the ...
Alternative to browsershots.org for taking screenshots on multiple browsers on different platforms?
You can do this manually, or create for example Appium script to do this for you on cloud device labs.
Crossbrowsertesting could be a fit for you, they have quite simple "test recorder and they ...
Mobile automation: Boss wants 100% coverage. How feasible is that?
It depends what they consider 100%, but my basic answer would be 'no' especially if these are UI level tests. Tests at this level are slow and expensive to write and maintain.
It looks like you know ...
How to always allow access to phone data automatically for USB connection of Android 8?
Updating the driver for Samsung Mobile USB Composite Device to the latest version should resolve this issue.
For Windows 10:
Device manager
Navigate to USB Controllers
Find Samsung Mobile USB ...
Checklist for mobile apps automation ROI
@Alexei -
I have observed, if you follow below points in checklist you will definitely think of high percentage of ROI :-
Manual vs Automated – Testing vs Checking
Avoid comparison between manual ...
Android App api testing with mock
It should be realtively easy to setup a server that behaves as your API, but always returns the same values so you can test against it.
You just need to make sure you can redirect the traffic from ...
iOS: check RAM usage on iPad
As per the developer documentation on Apple's website:
The following scenarios are common causes of leaks, you can confirm whether your observations are actually memory leak??
Retain has been called ...
Functional test on mobile applications
When it comes to automated functional testing of our mobile software, we are using Ranorex. You can either create recordings by using an emulator or by using real mobile devices (capture and replay or ...
Functional test on mobile applications
Functional Testing verifies app/site content (images, text, controls, and links) as it is displayed on the actual mobile devices that your analytics demand.
Test team verifies that forms correctly ...
Functional test on mobile applications
If the mobile app is accessible via a url you could try something like mobiletest.me these a 30 day trial available.
Functional test on mobile applications
I believe like all projects, it's important to have scope. Also, ask a few questions and analyse: what's new in this project? is it new or updated hardware? new OS? updated OS? new app? updated app? ...
Only top scored, non community-wiki answers of a minimum length are eligible
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