What reasons would companies have to use web testing (Selenium) and API testing (SoapUI) for the same functionality?
Yes, this is typically done in a commercial context, but it does not need to be exactly as described.
As you already noticed, developers should write unit tests. Those tests as you probably know only ...
SoapUI vs Jmeter for webservices
Both fit your requirements so feel free to choose the one you like more.
The only area where JMeter is better is running load tests, SoapUI has limited load testing capabilities and reporting (you ...
What reasons would companies have to use web testing (Selenium) and API testing (SoapUI) for the same functionality?
why companies would have both API tests and web tests when this causes duplication of effort.
In short, because those tests are different in nature, help discover different types of bugs and have ...
I have 1000+ request message in XML file and want to call SOAP Webservice end point
If you do not have a lot of programming skills you can just run command line utilities like CURL. Here is the post on SO describing how to send a single SOAP request having XML file.
Above example ...
What are the pro's and con's of writing an API test automation framework at code level as opposed to using a tool
👍Pros of coding:
You can easily integrate your test into CI process
You can code any assertion logic you need in your tests
You can utilize any library that is suitable for your chosen ...
SoapUI vs Jmeter for webservices
Maybe just use plain JUnit tests? I think JMeter and SoapUI just add an extra layer of complexity. For example making it more complex to schedule the tests. Using JMeter and SoapUI might seem easier ...
I am about to automate the Web API testing, how to initiate
I believe for your second question you have enough and more answers so I'm not going to touch base on it.
Coming to your first question, I.e what questions you need to ask, sharing some of my ...
How do you send a ZIP file in the request body in SoapUI / ReadyAPI
Figured out how this must be done.
When you add an attachment you can set its "Media Type" to match its "Content Type"
Your RAW request will then NOT display any content of the file (instead showing ...
How do you generate an AWS Signature in ReadyAPI/SoapUI
This is really easy if the use of the AWS JDK is an option for you. I tried many hours to generate my own signature for REST API access to AWS. After I discovered the AWS JDK it was a matter of ...
java.sql.SQLException: No suitable driver found for jdbc:db2://URL/Database - pom.xml
It cant find your driver. You need to download the driver from here: https://www.soapui.org/jdbc/reference/jdbc-drivers.html
and then save the .jar file to your c:\Program Files\SmartBear\Soapui5.x\...
Using REST Assured library for testing SOAP webservices
Yes it is possible. I have written this code and it is working form me:
Created a file SoapRequestFile.xml with the content:
<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/...
Using REST Assured library for testing SOAP webservices
Yes, it is possible, however not necessarily easy.
SOAP Web service is (usually) receiving HTTP requests with XML in the body and sending back HTTP responses with XML in the body.
REST-assured can ...
SoapUI response: Integer range validation
Here are the steps:
Prepare a request returning the data you need
Create a Test Suite
Create a Test Case within that Test Suite
Add that request as the step to the Test Case
Open that step editor
In ...
Web Service Testing Site
Try https://www.mockable.io
There is a free plan that will allow you to build your own REST and Soap services and that will be enough to practice your interaction trials.
What kind of Database Testing could be done based on soapui trnasactions?
Although SOAPUI is NOT for database testing, perhaps you can test the effects on the database as with any messaging system.
Does a successful 'new' message create the database object as expected ?
Is ...
soapUI - REST API, parameters as variables in request body are empty (*previously posted as guest by accident)
Steps I followed
Create a new Rest project
Add plain parameter to request
called it in request body using ${test} (${#test} also works)
Right-click the request and click 'Add to Testcase'
Now run the ...
How do I test a Web-Service with Single-Sign-On authentification?
Have never used SoapUI before, but in similar situations one way is to manually log in via SSO, then grab the cookie (or similar) it leaves from browser DevTools and copy that into the requests sent ...
Using REST Assured library for testing SOAP webservices
REST-assured does not have direct support for testing SOAP services, but it is possible by manually setting the SOAPAction and Content-Type headers and doing an HTTP POST etc. Then you can run XPath ...
Getting issue while automating SOAP service using Karate framework
Karate is working fine. Look at the error message that has come from the server and work with someone from the dev team. All the best.
Unable to capture Rest API's in soapui with proxy
My understanding is that you're trying to do API discovery on some website/resource/endpoint.
Seems like SoapUI only offers this feature for SOAP web services.
If you want to do API discovery there ...
Execute SoapUI project with Maven and Jenkins
This is my favorite getting started guide for maven and Jenkins, it is with selenium, but should also work with soapui java code.
What reasons would companies have to use web testing (Selenium) and API testing (SoapUI) for the same functionality?
I advise our teams to write mainly unit-tests, but at least ONE test on service (e.g. API) and UI (e.g. end-to-end) levels of the test-pyramid. Just a happy path test is sufficient.
Why do I advice ...
API Testing - Test Cases
I'm sure there are some unit test guidelines, but for interface testing I have always found the best approach is to think of it exactly like a standard functional test and indicate all the data ...
API Testing - Test Cases
There might be some "best practices" for testing certain API kinds, but most of the time you test API like and other interface.
An "add user" API should be tested the same way as a "add user" UI ...
How to minimize number of connections to DB in SoapUI load tests?
Re-written based on updated question:
Create a singleton pattern with the DB connection information and then call all the SOAPUI tests passing in the data connection parameters as utilized. This ...
SoapUI - Apply DataSource Loop to two excel sheets
My problem was with my understanding of how these loop structures work. I solved this by putting all required data into 1 excel book and iterating over that one data source.
SoapUI - Apply DataSource Loop to two excel sheets
You need a second data source loop. It’s the loop that enables the iteration over the data source and you have one for the legacy datasource, but not one for the ‘stub.
Legacy DataSource
SoapUI vs Jmeter for webservices
I use both tools one a frequent basis. I use SoapUi for functional testing of web services and I use JMeter for load.
What follows is merely my own opinion, so please don't shoot me down....
I ...
How to access database from SoapUI for test-data generation?
There is no need for Groovy. You can use a JDBC TestStep for that.
You can extract value from the, as a xml presented, results at the same way as you ...
How to access database from SoapUI for test-data generation?
First of all you need to download DB driver, e.g. ojdbc7.jar and place it in bin\ext folder of SoapUI dir:
C:\Program Files (x86)\SmartBear\SoapUI-5.3.0\bin\ext
Then you can use groovy script to ...
Only top scored, non community-wiki answers of a minimum length are eligible
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