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ChathuD's user avatar
ChathuD's user avatar
  • Member for 8 years, 2 months
  • Last seen more than a week ago
9 votes

Do we use/need test cases in Agile?

8 votes

What are general tips to test a static website?

4 votes

How do I make my test suite keep running when one test fails?

3 votes

How to run testcases on one browser

2 votes

Selenium IDE format for Jenkins integration

2 votes

I found a problem in an app, but the developers say it isn't a problem

2 votes

Alternative to Ranorex that integrates in Visual Studio

2 votes

How to resolve Could not start a new session? UnreachableBrowserException

2 votes

Selenium WebDriver tests sometimes doesn't find elements

2 votes

Selecting the similar cells in Excel using Sikuli

2 votes

How do I convince customers about the importance of code refactoring?

2 votes

How to run a selenium project on a different server without visual studio

2 votes

Select an element in Appium

2 votes

Testing without SRS as a fresher tester?

2 votes

Selenium Webdriver, C# and accessing rows in a table

2 votes

What is a Test Automation Framework?

1 vote

How to identify java script variable change in selenium C#

1 vote

Automation running on a locked machine

1 vote

Behat tests take over an hour to run

1 vote

Chrome Driver crashes on send_keys

1 vote

How to navigate to a "Not Secured" web page using PhantomJS

1 vote

How should I design test automation project by including UI testing, DB testing and API testing components?

1 vote

Getting an error when switching to iFrame on iOS Safari mobile browser with appium

1 vote

Unable to select the text from the drop down

1 vote

Can't open chrome web browser on android

1 vote

Find first IMG element using XPATH

1 vote

File Extraction from BI Tool

1 vote

I have got an error when installing appium

1 vote

Firing event on new tab of browser in LeanFt using C#

1 vote

What is the best approach to test the windows services?