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Amias's user avatar
Amias's user avatar
  • Member for 6 years, 9 months
  • Last seen more than a month ago
7 votes

Product testing consumes more time for doing regression cycle

5 votes

Is there a way to run a subset of tests using Jest?

4 votes

Im looking a test plan template document for agile environment. Appreciate if you can share

4 votes

Test automation role: challenges beyond automated tests and frameworks?

3 votes

Automation Testing 2nd Interviews: How technical should you be?

3 votes

Test Management Tools and automated tests - how to integrate the two?

3 votes

How to understand if the script for scrolling is fragile

3 votes

Is asking about "The most interesting bug in your career" a good interview question?

3 votes

Calling a test suite from another Test Suite/Test Case

3 votes

How to handle SSL certificates in chrome using Selenium?

2 votes

Use Gherkin syntax for Acceptance Criteria without accompanying BDD tool

2 votes

pytest selenium output flooded with debug logs

2 votes

XML Payload gives 'The ' ' character, hexadecimal value 0x20, cannot be included in a name.' error

2 votes

Selenium web driver takes screenshot of initial stage page of webdriver server and not google page

2 votes

How does Continuous Integration add value to Automation Testing?

1 vote

Mobile App performance and load testing

1 vote

When submitting a form by fetching values from excel file it is showing Internal Server Error

1 vote

Running python selenium test as suite

1 vote

Managing repeatable test data when using cucumber and a BDD approach [Java, Selenium]

1 vote

Testing webpage behind Great Firewall of China

1 vote

Azure VM for comparative performance testing

1 vote

Is it possible to test dynamic web sites using selenium?

1 vote

How do you initially script/debug the long automated end to end UI tests?

1 vote

How do I pass payload to API test?

1 vote

How should I construct a standard text to test or benchmark a system for automated proofreading?

1 vote

python selenium - waiting for item to load (stale element reference error)

1 vote

How do I find this WebElement by xpath?

1 vote

Unit testing for chains of generators in Python

1 vote

Performance testing of messaging system using Gatling

1 vote

How can I effectively transform the QA team into Agile and scrum?