Yamikuronue's user avatar
Yamikuronue's user avatar
Yamikuronue's user avatar
  • Member for 11 years, 6 months
  • Last seen more than 1 year ago
39 votes

How can I work with file uploads during a Webdriver test?

1 vote

Using Selenium Webdriver with Windows Authentication

39 votes

How do I work with dropdowns in Selenium Webdriver?

1 vote

Is there a correct term for testing done by "testers" hired just to use the app as in real life?

5 votes

Cucumber not finding @Findby annotations

0 votes

cucumber java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Not a file or directory:

3 votes

Look for a program that systematically scans an entire html document.

1 vote

Can not catch NoSuchElementException with PageFactory (Selenium WebDriver)

1 vote

Wait for a random time with robot selenium 2 library

2 votes

How to run all Selenium test cases via batch file

1 vote

Tooltip from a <rect> tag of svg

2 votes

Is there a specific screen resolution that should be used when Mapping objects?

4 votes

How to determine whether element is clickable or not?

2 votes

Clicking a Non Existent DOM item

4 votes

Selenium with Java to scrape data from website

2 votes

How to generate HTML report with Mocha?

2 votes

How to check is image is loaded or not in selenium?

1 vote

How to execute Selenium + Junit Tests on Chrome

0 votes

How to interpret / analyse code coverage results and provide suggestions for improvements?

0 votes

how to sort a flexigrid using Selenium webdriver?

1 vote

Selenium - how to avoid "invisible element" exception and timeouts

1 vote

Fast login to application (magic url alternatives)

2 votes

How to click on element only if data exists in excel table?

1 vote

Are the gains going from Selenium IDE to headless worth it on small projects

1 vote

Why does my xPath locator only work once?

8 votes

How do I work with dropdowns in Selenium Webdriver?

15 votes

How does one get started with web test automation using Selenium?

5 votes

How difficult is selenium and test-automation in general?

0 votes

Why does WebDriver click an unrelated button in the wrong frame?

1 vote

Test how email looks in gmail and yahoo and other possbile email clients