Should we do negative test cases testing by automation. Generally I heard that we can do functional and regression automation. I am doing same. I am using selenium web driver for automation and doing all functional and regression testing using it. But thing is all tests are positive here.
So I would like to know that should we do automation for negative testing or it is better to do it manually? Because I think if we go for automation for negative testing then it will be lot of code to be done..
For Ex: I have register form and field is there called "Password" , Now validations for fields are "Password must be of minimum 6 characters and must contains letter,digit and special character"
So in above case positive automation will be easy as I will test direct by insert valid password , But for negative testing of that field will have lot of cases so should we do automation for that?
Please let me know best way for negative testing. Right now I am preferring manually.