I am using Python to write a Selenium test script and I have not been able to use it to enter data for a text area. Entering data into this area appears to trigger a JavaScript function that caches the data for later submission to the server.
When I run the test Selenium successfully enters the value into the text area but upon saving it the value disappears and my system throws a validation error.
I am using IE 11 (the app is only partially functional in Firefox or Chrome).
Here is the Python code for updating the text area.
driver.get_element_by_id('product_description').send_keys('This is a product')
I am now trying to figure out how to get the page to trigger the JavaScript code so that the data is properly configured for submission to the server. I have tried several different methods to do this:
driver.get_element_by_id('product_description').send_keys('This is a product')
Are there other ways to enter data into this text area?