What is the difference between using the hamcrest-library-1.3.jar that comes bundled with Selenium Webdriver (I use v2.49) and hamcrest-all-1.3.jar found on the official website of Hamcrest https://code.google.com/archive/p/hamcrest/downloads

Is the hamcrest-library-1.3.jar sufficient or will I be missing out on any features by not having the hamcrest-all-1.3.jar configured?

There is also the hamcrest-core-1.3.jar that comes with Selenium Webdriver which is described as "(bare-bones minimum)" in their official webpage.

1 Answer 1


hamcrest-all-1.3.jar is not required and you won't be missing out on any features if you skip that jar.

As you have noted for Selenium WebDriver two jars file included in Reference Libraries are hamcrest-core-1.3.jar and hamcrest-library-1.3.jar. These two covers all important packages and only thing you will be missing org.hamcrest.generator.* (if you need more info refer https://code.google.com/archive/p/hamcrest/wikis/HamcrestDistributables.wiki)

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