I am trying to select/navigate to a menu item in the provided URL. I tried Actions but It was not working.
uid/pwd : admin/admin
I wanted to select a menu navigation (e.g: Admin->User Management->User Roles)
By admin = By.id("menu_admin_viewAdminModule");
By uMgmt = By.id("menu_admin_UserManagement");
By uRoles = By.id("menu_admin_viewUserRoles");
By username = By.id("searchSystemUser_userName");
By search = By.id("searchBtn");
WebDriver driver2 = driver;
Actions act = new Actions(driver2);
WebElement wadmin = driver2.findElement(admin);
WebElement wusermgmt = driver2.findElement(uMgmt);
WebElement wuserroles = driver2.findElement(uRoles);