I have coded many Test Cases as Test Methods with @Test Annotation.

I have used only one class for all methods.

I want to run only 1 or 2 particular methods. And not run other methods. Please advice.

3 Answers 3


It can be done by using an .xml file present at the root of the project.

In that .xml file you can you use include,

To include only a particular @Test method to run like the following :

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE suite SYSTEM "http://testng.org/testng-1.0.dtd">
<suite name="Suite">
  <test name="Test">
      <class name ="Full path to the Test class" />
            <include name="testMethodName" />
</suite> <!-- Suite -->

Are you using any framework right now? If not so it would be advisable to create a Keyword driven framework so that you can overcome above problem.


You can include the required test method name under the methods tag as shown below.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE suite SYSTEM "https://testng.org/testng-1.0.dtd">
<suite name="Suite">
    <test thread-count="5" name="Test">
            <class name="testNG.Event">
                    <include name="checkOut" />
    </test> <!-- Test -->
</suite> <!-- Suite -->

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