This is my first time using Equivalence Class Partitioning. I have decimal input fields that I need to test. I am going to explain my understanding of the ECP method and provide you with my test cases, so please correct me if I'm wrong.
One field is of the type decimal(5, 2). So from my understanding of ECP is that I define class of valid and invalid numbers, and then use one valid case from the valid class, and two invalid cases from the invalid class.
So going with my example, the valid class is from 111.11 to -111.11 The invalid class is 1111.11 to -1111.11. So for me I decided to use this case for valid input: input1= 111.11 and These cases for invalid input: input1= 1111.11 input2= -1111.11.
Am I doing it right? or is my understanding is wrong?