Do not swear strongly if such a question has already been, but I searched and came across this solution:

List<WebElement> list1 =  (List<WebElement>) d.findElements(by.classname("item-list-entry ng-scope")); 

I write to Java, and I try to parse the list, go through it and click on the 3rd element. Unfortunately, it does not help me.

The structure of my html

<div id="search-results" class="row search-result">
<div class="col-sm-12 col-wog">
<div class="item-list-entry ng-scope" ng-if="currentSearchOptions.display =='item-list'">
<div class="row ng-scope" ng-repeat="entry in searchResults">ITEM 1 </div>
<div class="row ng-scope" ng-repeat="entry in searchResults">ITEM 2 </div>
<div class="row ng-scope" ng-repeat="entry in searchResults">ITEM 3</div>
<div class="row ng-scope" ng-repeat="entry in searchResults">ITEM 4 </div>

I need the 3rd item. My decision before was simple (xpath)



  • What is your question? Why doesn't the xpath work anymore?
    – Jeni
    Commented Mar 23, 2019 at 20:49
  • How do I choose the 3rd container div? Xpath doesn't click on it anymore
    – Temp13
    Commented Mar 24, 2019 at 4:54

1 Answer 1


In the html you provided, I see no p so your xpath can't work, using the p. In the code you provide, you use By.classname. This kind of selector works only with a single class: the class of the element you try to select, you shouldn't chain classes like this "item-list-entry ng-scope". You can try the following Xpath:


Or you can use css selector:

#search-results .item-list-entry div:nth-child(3)

You seem to be using Java?

WebElement el =  d.findElement(By.cssSelector("#search-results .item-list-entry div:nth-child(3)")); 
  • Today it worked. Thank. Leave this way)
    – Temp13
    Commented Mar 24, 2019 at 12:42

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