I am trying to verify close button using selenium java page object model. Close button is located in a pop up window. Below is the html code for the button.
<div class="webModal__CloseButtonRow-hOUtMR dNkjlk"><button class="MuiButtonBase-root-3058 MuiIconButton-root-3688 jss3598 MuiIconButton-colorPrimary-3692" tabindex="0" type="button"><span class="MuiIconButton-label-3695"><svg class="MuiSvgIcon-root-3008 jss3599 MuiSvgIcon-fontSizeSmall-3015" focusable="false" viewBox="0 0 24 24" aria-hidden="true"><path d="M12 2C6.47 2 2 6.47 2 12s4.47 10 10 10 10-4.47 10-10S17.53 2 12 2zm5 13.59L15.59 17 12 13.41 8.41 17 7 15.59 10.59 12 7 8.41 8.41 7 12 10.59 15.59 7 17 8.41 13.41 12 17 15.59z"></path></svg></span></button></div>
This is my function to check the close button
public DataDetailViewPage validateCloseDetailPopup() {
//find close button
closePopUp = driver.findElement(By.cssSelector("button[type='button']"));
//click button
JavascriptExecutor js = (JavascriptExecutor)driver;
js.executeScript("arguments[0].click()", closePopUp);
//details pop up that visible after closing the detail card detailsPopup =
cssSelector("div[class='text-center justify-content-center']"));
//click close button
//check if details pop up is present after closing the detail card
//return new object of DataDetailViewPage
return new DataDetailViewPage();
When I execute this function button click is not happening. I have not added a thread sleep since I perform other actions before clicking close. There are not any compilation issues as well.
How can I click the close button?