Team, Everything was working and suddenly I observed all the tests started failing :( with following error :

Could not write domain com.apple.keyboard.preferences; exiting

What all I have tried :

  1. First and foremost I checked Network
  2. Then verified other system components such as Simulator, Appium server

They are set & working as expected. By any chance you have work around for this issue?

1 Answer 1


Working solution :

  • I found this issue is intermittent.

sh "xcrun simctl shutdown $(xcrun simctl list devices | grep -m 1 'iPhone 12 Pro' |grep -E -o -i '([0-9a-f]{8}-([0-9a-f]{4}-){3}[0-9a-f]{12})')"

  • I have added above snippet under post { } in jenkins pipeline.
  • Basically idea is to shutdown the booted simulator always after execution irrespective of outcome i.e. pass or fail
  • Thereafter I have not observe this issue again till date.

Happy Testing :)

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