This is more like an academic question. Although, common perception is that dynamic analysis is testing itself, most of advanced sources (but AFAIK also the ISTQB) distinct between:
- dynamic testing (excercising the program) and
- dynamic analysis (analysis of memory leaks, pointer exceptions etc. during runtime) by special tools.
Of course it is not perfect classification because:
- ISTQB, having adapted IEEE, says analysis = testing
- but on the other hand it distincts between dynamic analysis and dynamic testing.
Needless to say, ISTQB uses a static testing term which is not used by most of the other authoritative resources, they call it static analysis.
Well, the question would be: How should I classify dynamic analysis and dynamic testing relation in terms of taxonomy in my thesis?
If DA is not testing, I cannot simply call it dynamic testing technique. So how should I resolve it?
A Quote from Advanced Software Testing - Vol. 2: Guide to the ISTQB Advanced ...:
Dynamic analysis tools provide runtime information of the state of the executing software. They can be used to pinpoint a number of problems that are hard to find in static analysis and dynamic testing.
So it is clear that this is correctly saying DA is not dynamic testing (Wikipedia does not agree but that is not trusted source).
Another source: Guide to Advanced Software Testing:
Dynamic analysis cannot be done without tool support.... provides information as a by-product of dynamic testing (...) Dynamic testing can be used when the test object is executable. We can also use dynamic analysis, especially during component testing.