I'm having a problem with Selenium2 using Firefox version 39.0 and Firefox webdriver while testing a page based on Apache MyFaces Trinidad 1.0.6.
When I imitate press on CheckBox, TextBox becomes visible, however, sendKeys doesn't work all the time, even if I wait until ExpectedConditions.presenceOfElementLocated
or use Thead.sleep(x)
(even though it's the worst case), Unable to locate
or Not found in cache
problems are being thrown.
Another problem - while clicking on tabs of page, some can be pressed and it works, and some while being pressed, Selenium just pretends to put "Mouse" on it and link is being showed in the bottom left corner. Double-press doesn't work either.
So is this some kind of AJAX background method that screws me up with cache problems and not clicking, or what?
My code:
public void bclick(String ids, int msec)
new WebDriverWait(driver, 25).until(ExpectedConditions.elementToBeClickable(By.id(ids)));
This is my main method for clicking on elements, however it is unstable sometimes with some buttons(simple html buttons).
public void bclick(String ids, int msec) { new WebDriverWait(driver, 25).until(ExpectedConditions.elementToBeClickable(By.id(ids))); driver.findElement(By.id(ids)).click(); waitTime(msec); }
This is my main method for clicking on elements, however it works unstable sometimes with some buttons(simple html buttons).