So im trying to get better at writing Declarative style cucumber tests that make sense, I think the hardest "Keyword" for me to properly form into a feature file is the "Given" keyword.
I know "Given" is meant to set up a stage....but I feel like a lot of things that could be put into the "Given" portion of a feature file, really belong in the "When" portion.
For example lets take a simple "Login" feature file:
What makes more sense.
Given I have entered a valid username and password
When I login
Then I should see X content
Given I have an account for the site
When I login to the site with a valid username and password
Then I should see X content
I know it's just wording, but still im trying to improve my writing style. But im not sure which one actually makes the most sense? (Obviously this is relevant to many examples, login was just one easy one I could thing of)