I'll be giving a 3-day course on software test design later this month with lots of hands-on exercises. I'd like to include one or more exercises that would involve testing an online game for approximately 20 minutes. I am interested in your suggestions of an online game I could use for this exercise. Ideally, it will be a very easy-to-understand game that is generally operational (e.g., not totally broken) but has a fair number of relatively easy-to-find bugs. It will be important that we not waste much time in the course getting access to the game, explaining how it works, etc. we want to dive right in and make this a quick exercise. Additional context:
- Logging into a free online gaming site (like addictinggames.com or similar)
- Opening a game I would specify in order to test it
- Exploring the game for just a couple minutes to understand the basic objectives of the game,
- Designing combinatorial (similar to pairwise) tests
- Executing those tests and learning more about the game in doing so
Sharing issues discovered with the class in a discussion that will highlight most of these conclusions:
- Lesson 1: Using combinatorial test design techniques is great for maximizing variation between different tests but it is insufficient.
- Lesson 2: You can parameterize just about any system or application or process if you think about it in the right way. Being able to parameterize Systems Under Tests (in obvious and not so obvious ways) is an extremely important skill to have as a tester.
- Lesson 3: More important for efficient and effective testing is whether or not you include good testing ideas into the mix of variables that get modified from test to test.
- Lesson 4: As emphasized by Exploratory Testing proponents, you should keep your eyes open to interesting lessons learned as you are executing your tests and not hesitate to enrich your test scripts by exploring a bit while you're executing them. If you do, you will probably uncover interesting findings. You should consider whether it would make sense to incorporate these new test ideas and other findings in additional tests.
- Lesson 5: Requirements will always be incomplete; testing is a lot more than "verifying requirements."
Thank you in advance for your suggestions!