My team have recently decided to introduce Cucumber for our GUI automated checks. As it happens, we have people in the team who are very experienced with it, so I think we'll be fine, but it's made me curious about what resources are out there for testers without a resident cuke expert.

What good resources are there for testers who are learning Cucumber and test automation for the first time, and may not have much programming experience yet?

What about for testers who have experience with other automation tools or know a little bit of programming, but no experience with Cucumber itself?

2 Answers 2


There's The Secret Ninja Cucumber Scrolls from Gojko - I started off with this


I'm currently reading The Cucumber Book from Matt Wynne


The RSpec book might also be useful

and a bunch of resources here http://mikbe.tk/2011/03/05/learning-cucumber-rspec/ ( I have no experience with these so cannot give a recommendation )


I am having fun with Cucumber & Cheese:


This would fall under the "good resources are there for testers who are learning Cucumber and test automation for the first time, and may not have much programming experience yet" bucket. I feel like he is bringing me along at a good pace.


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