Background: When a new user opens our web page for the first time, we show them how to use the webpage. For each control they need to use, we display a popup next to the control to tell them how to use it, switching popups as they switch controls. Two types of users can make posts: Mods and Regulars. Mods have more privileges than Regulars (Eg. Ban spammy or rude users and more).
Requirement: The text for one popup says "Welcome to this software!". We are changing the text to "Welcome to our App!". The size of the popup remains the same but the length of the text is now shorter. Note that the popup has only plain text.
Question: Do we need to test this change in multiple browsers or is just one enough? Do we need to test this for both Mods & Regulars?
My Opinion: One browser is enough because its a minor text change and it's highly unlikely that it will break the layout or UI. Moreover, because this is an infrequently used feature & not critical to the functioning or usability of our application, we do not need to test it in multiple browsers.
We probably do not need to test this for both Mods and Regulars. Only testing for Mod or Regular should be enough, unless our app has different code for generating the popup text for Regulars and Mods. If that is the case, then our app design is probably bad. When you want to show the exact same popups to Mod and Regular for a particular page, then why have different logic to generate those popups?
Are there reasons I'm missing that we should test all these cases? Or other points that would help make the argument that we don't need to?